WeChat mini program components and function encapsulation, simple component programming
Based on WeChat's Component custom component encapsulation , simple component programming, please refer to Component API for Component custom components.
Note that you need to enable the ES6 to ES5 conversion function in the WeChat developer tools. Please use a mini program base library greater than version 1.6.3
, and update WeChat to the latest version.
If you need a set of codes to develop WeChat applet and Alipay applet, then the mpapi plug-in may be able to assist you (WeChat applet and Alipay applet API compatible plug-in)
Please use WeChat developer tools to open the src
├─images ---------- 公共图片
├─js -------------- 公共的JS
│ └─common ---------- 公共方法函数封装
├─components ------ 自定义组件和第三方组件
│ ├─libs ------------ 第三方库
│ └─weapp ----------- weapp组件
├─pages ----------- 页面目录
│ ├─index ----------- 首页
│ ├─libs ------------ 第三方库页面
│ └─weapp ----------- weapp组件页面
// page.json
"usingComponents" : {
"weapp-toast" : "/components/weapp/toast/toast" ,
"weapp-tab" : "/components/weapp/tab/tab"
<!-- page.wxml-->
< weapp-toast title =" {{ toastTitle }} " bind:hide =" onToastHide " />
< weapp-tab list =" {{ list1 }} " active-index =" {{activeIndex}} " bind:change =" onTabChange " />
The following shows the simple use of the Tab
component. For specific examples, refer to the code in pages/weapp/tab
inside the project. The use of other types of components is basically similar to this calling method.
// tab.json
"navigationBarTitleText" : "Tab" ,
"usingComponents" : {
"weapp-tab" : "/components/weapp/tab/tab"
<!-- tab.wxml -->
< weapp-tab list =" {{ list1 }} " active-index =" {{activeIndex}} " bind:change =" onTabChange " />
// tab.js
Page ( {
data : {
list1 : [ '选项1' , '选项2' , '选项3' ]
} ,
handlerSelect ( ) {
this . setData ( {
activeIndex : 1
} ) ;
} ,
onTabChange ( event ) {
console . log ( event . detail . activeIndex )
} )
Floating prompt, a Toast component commonly used in mobile development, is different from the mini program's showToast
prompt messagedelay
Delay time for automatic shutdown in milliseconds, default: 1500
is closed < weapp-toast title =" {{ toastTitle }} " bind:hide =" onToastHide " />
tab titleactive-index
selected index, default: 0
theme style, empty by default, can be passed in weapp-tab
or other custom styles change
switching callback, parameter event
, where event.detail.activeIndex
is the current selected index < weapp-tab list =" {{ list1 }} " active-index =" {{activeIndex}} " bind:change =" onTabChange " />
City selection
prompt information change
switching callback, parameter event
, where event.detail.region
is the selected region information < weapp-city-picker show =" {{isCityPickerShow}} " bind:change =" onChangeCity " />
Load more, no data prompt, usually used with pull-up data list
The type of the applet icon component, default: search
current status, optional values: loading
, nomore
, empty
, no data yet, default: loading
has no data prompt text. Default:暂无数据
loading prompt text, default:正在加载
has no more prompt text, default:没有更多数据了
< weapp-loader status =" {{status}} " />
Pop-up menu with up to 12 supported arrow directions, meeting most scenarios
The CSS selector for the outermost container of the entire page, the default is .page
is positioned according to, the ID of the elementdir
arrow direction, optional values tl tc tr rt rc rb bl bc br lt lc lb
, respectively representing the 12 combined directions of top, right, bottom, left, middletl
corresponds to top-left
corresponds to top-center
corresponds to top-right
corresponds to right-top
corresponds to right-center
corresponds to right-bottom
corresponds to bottom-left
corresponds to bottom-center
corresponds to bottom-right
corresponds to left-top
corresponds to left-center
corresponds to left-bottom
callback for each item, parameter event
, where event.detail.item
is the current item selectedshow
hidden callback < weapp-popover list =" {{list}} " dir =" {{dir}} " elem-id =" {{elemId}} " show =" {{show}} " bind:select =" onSelectPopover " />
Top tips
prompt informationtype
prompt type, success
, error
, warn
, default: default
Delay time for automatic shutdown in milliseconds, default: 1500
is closed < weapp-toptip type =" {{ type }} " title =" {{ title }} " />
Calendar selection supports sliding switching display of multiple months. Click left and right to switch months and switch to today.
start dateend-date
end datecurrent-date
default selected dateshow
is displayed from the beginning, default: false
displays the first month by default. The month from the start date is the first month. Default: 0
the callback function of the selected date, parameter event
, where event.detail.currentDate
is the current selected date < weapp-calendar-picker start-date =" 2017-07-07 " end-date =" 2018-08-08 " show =" {{ isCalendarPickerShow }} " bind:change =" onChangeDate " />
Page forwarding and sharing eliminates the complicated configuration of each page, making it simpler and more efficient to use. It supports page passing parameter options.
, the default is the current page address import common from '../../assets/js/common' ;
// common.share([title], [url])
Page ( {
onShareAppMessage : common . share ( )
} ) ;
Type judgment, returning Number
, String
, Boolean
, Array
, Object
, Function
and other type strings
is any parameter that needs to be judged import common from '../../assets/js/common' ;
// common.type([value])
common . type ( 1 ) ; // Number
common . type ( 'abc' ) ; // String
common . type ( true ) ; // Boolean
common . type ( [ ] ) ; // Array
common . type ( { } ) ; // Object
common . type ( function ( ) { } ) ; // Function
common . type ( / d / ) ; // RegExp
common . type ( new Date ( ) ) ; // Date
Parse object into url string
parameter object, an object to be converted into a string parameterunEncodeURI
does not use encoding, encodeURIComponent
is used by default. import common from '../../assets/js/common' ;
// common.param([urlObject], [unEncodeURI])
let obj = {
name : 'weapp' ,
uid : 8 ,
age : 24
} ;
let params = common . param ( obj ) ;
console . log ( params ) ; // ?name=weapp&uid=8&age=24
Parse the url string into an object, as opposed to using common.param
address, address with url parametersunDecodeURI
does not use decoding, and uses decodeURIComponent
by default. import common from '../../assets/js/common' ;
// common.unparam([urlString], [unDecodeURI])
let str = '?name=weapp&uid=8&age=24' ;
let obj = common . unparam ( str ) ;
Page jump, optimized to prevent quick clicks to open two pages, supports object form to pass url parameters, corresponding to wx.navigateTo, wx.redirectTo, wx.switchTab, wx.reLaunch of the mini program respectively.
page addressparams
page parameter object import common from '../../assets/js/common' ;
// common.navigateTo([url], [params])
Page ( {
onTapElem ( ) {
common . navigateTo ( '/pages/weapp/popover/popover' , {
userid : 123 ,
info : 'Hello,weapp'
} ) ;
} ) ;
Use FontAwesome for font icons and WeUI for CSS component styles.
MIT, enjoy the fun of open source.