This is purely an entertainment and learning project. I occasionally record the problems and ideas encountered during development and update it from time to time. If you have any suggestions, please tell me (issues). The project has its own encapsulated components, which can be viewed in the project structure.
All film and television data are provided by Douban API. At present, there is no free Douban search interface available. The interface I provided is deployed in Vercel. It cannot be added to the WeChat backend without registration. The project also provides mock data for use. The personal development functions of the mini program are too limited and cannot be fully launched. If you like, you can clone the project and run it yourself.
Online mind map
Things to note:
To use a custom component Component, the basic version library of the mini program must be above 1.6.3;
To use wxParse, the basic version library of the mini program must be 1.6.6 or above.
Simple two-way binding of mini programs, mini program basic version library 2.9.3 and above
After a long time, I have forgotten what the specifications I set for myself before have caused the code to be very inconsistent. Can I back up the project specifications for myself?
Clone this project and use WeChat Web Development Tool to open the project root directory
yarn # or npm install
Menu bar tools --> Build npm
After opening the cloud development environment, synchronize the project /cloudfunctions/
to the cloud (refer to Cloud Development Environment Initialization) and modify app.js
wx . cloud . init ( {
traceUser : true ,
env : 'dev-oucwt' // 此处替换为你自己的云环境 ID
} ) ;
Note: debugging needs to be turned on when previewing the development environment on a real machine
Refer to the official documentation API Mock/Rules for import and export, and import mock/mock.config.json. The Mock capability provided by development tools does not currently support mobile preview.
Note: If you do not have an AppID, you may not be able to see the data and cannot preview it on your phone. Development tools need to turn off verification of secure domain names. Toolbar --> Details --> Project Settings --> Check Do not verify secure domain names... and HTTPS certificates .
Vercel hosts Next to implement GitHub Trending API
Mini program uses IconFont
Cloud development association table (collection) case
Thoughts when writing a project
Note while writing
Mini program uses external fonts
Mini program custom scoring component-tempalte implementation (accuracy 0.1)
Mini program custom scoring component - Component implementation (accuracy 0.1)
├── apis
├── assets
├── components 组件化 Component
│ ├── cover-page 可下拉关闭的半屏组件
│ ├── pre-image 图片预加载
│ ├── rating 评分
│ └── tabs
├── cloudfunctions
├── pages
│ └── common 模板 template
│ ├── actionsheet 操作菜单
│ ├── cell 列表单元
│ ├── dropmenu 下拉菜单
│ ├── loading 加载/加载更多
│ ├── rating 评分
│ ├── share 底部分享菜单
│ ├── wxParse 富文本、HTML 和 MD 解析,小程序基础版本库 1.6.6 及以上
│ └── component.js wux 针对 template 的组件化,写得挺好,借鉴一下
├── style
│ ├── weui.wxss
│ ├── animate.wxss CSS 动画
│ └── font-awesome.min.wxss Font Awesome 字体图标
├── utils
│ └── wxCloud.js 云函数二次封装
├── app.js
├── app.json
└── app.wxss