weapp zhihulive
WeChat applet based on Zhihu Live data. The data belongs to Zhihu. This project is used for technical learning.
If you are under Wi-Fi or wealthy students who don’t mind traffic can directly experience the dynamic effects of actual use.
This project contains all the source code of the server and WeChat applet:
❯ git clone https : // github . com / dongweiming / weapp - zhihulive
❯ cd weapp - zhihulive
❯ tree - L 1
├── App # 小程序代码
├── README . md
├── Server # 服务端+爬虫代码
├── screenshot # 设计图和动态效果
Start the server:
❯ cd Server
❯ python3 - m venv venv3 - - system - site - packages
❯ source venv3 / bin / activate
❯ python3 - m pip install - r requirements . txt
# 配置MySQL和Elasticsearch
❯ python crawl . py # 运行爬虫获取全部Live数据
❯ python app . py # 启动API服务
Run the applet: