This project aims to translate the WeCom documentation into OpenAPI Specification, so that you can generate client code in various programming languages. Currently, we are using version 3.x of OpenAPI Specification.
$ npm install
When the app is running, the OpenAPI Specification file openapi.yaml
will be generated. You can open http://localhost:3000/openapi
to view Swagger UI.
$ npm run start
swagger-codegen is a very popular tool to generate code from OpenAPI Specification. But if you are using Golang, go-swagge is recommended.
go-swagge is based on OpenAPI Specification 2.0, so you need to downgrade the version.
$ npm install -g api-spec-converter
$ api-spec-converter --from=openapi_3 --to=swagger_2 --syntax=yaml --order=alpha ./openapi.yaml > swagger.yaml
Then generate Golang code from swagger.yaml
$ brew tap go-swagger/go-swagger
$ brew install go-swagger
$ mkdir wecom-api && cd wecom-api
# NOTE: you need run go mod init to create a go.mod file
$ go mod init wecom-api
$ swagger generate client -f swagger.yaml -t wecom-api
This project is based on Swagger integration of NestJS. Refer to OpenAPI(NestJS) for detail.
nest g --no-spec controller department
Usually, we declare DTOs and Responses in different classes.
nest g --no-spec class department/Department
required: false,
type: 'string',
isArray: true,
maxItems: 100,
example: '["abel"]',
description: 'user id list, max length is 100',
userid_list: string[];
, type
is required.description
, example
recommended。 @ApiOperation({
operationId: 'getGroupChat',
summary: 'Get user group detail',
description: 'Get user group detail',
externalDocs: {
url: 'https://developer.work.weixin.qq.com/document/path/92122',
Required, Unique, Is function name in genertation code.summary
Link to WeCom official document.First, you need to get an access_token
to authorize the api calls.
Browser has CORS issue, so we cannot access wx-work directly. So we made a proxy for you. To access, use http://localhost:3000/cgi-bin