WeChat public platform development library
Supported interfaces:
Usage video tutorial: WeChat public account development
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'wechat-gate'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install wechat-gate
Before starting work, you need to make the following configurations on the WeChat public account platform:
Create the file wechat.yml in the Rails project config directory and configure your official account information.
# 区分不同的环境
host: http://wechat-test1.eggman.tv
wechat_id: xxxxxxxxxx
app_id: xxxxxxxxxx
app_secret: xxxxxxxxxx
oauth2_redirect_uri: "http://wechat-test1.eggman.tv/wechat/users/callback"
push_url: "http://wechat-test1.eggman.tv/wechat/push"
push_token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
host: https://eggman.tv
wechat_id: xxxxxxxxxx
app_id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
app_secret: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# 如果不需要多环境支持,也可以这样
app_id: <%= ENV['WECHAT_APP_NAME_APP_ID'] %>
app_secret: <%= ENV['WECHAT_APP_NAME_APP_SECRET'] %>
oauth2_redirect_uri: <%= ENV['WECHAT_APP_NAME_OAUTH2_REDIRECT_URI'] %>
Then specify the name of the official account to be read in the ApplicationController:
self.wechat_gate_app_name = 'eggman'
Background API operations (such as WeChat user information acquisition, etc.).
By default, the configuration has been initialized in the controller, the method is wechat_gate_config , just use it directly.
wechat_gate_config . users # 获取用户列表
wechat_gate_config . user ( 'ONE_OPEN_ID' ) # 获取一个用户的详细信息
wechat_gate_config . access_token # 获取当前access_token
# OAuth 2
wechat_gate_config . oauth2_entrance_url ( scope : "snsapi_userinfo" , state : "CURENT_STATE" ) # 获取当前OAuth2授权入口URL
wechat_gate_config . oauth2_access_token ( "TOKEN" ) # 根据OAuth2返回的TOKEN获取access_token
wechat_gate_config . oauth2_user ( "ACCESS_TOKEN" , "ONE_OPEN_ID" ) # 获取一个用户的信息
wechat_gate_config . medias # 获取素材列表, 参数type: image | video | voice | news (图文)
wechat_gate_config . menu_get # 获取菜单
wechat_gate_config . menu_create ( MENU_HASH ) # 创建菜单
wechat_gate_config . generate_js_request_params ( REFERER_URL ) # 返回JS-SDK的验证参数,供前端JS-SDK使用
Of course, you can also initialize the configuration manually, or even specify the path to the configuration file:
config = WechatGate::Config.new('eggman', '/path/to/what/ever/you/want.yml')
Both access_token and tickets in JS_SDK have expiration time and refresh times limit, which have been considered here. You don’t need to worry about it. If you want to refresh manually, you can do this:
Configuration file supports erb
For more interfaces and documentation, please look directly at the source code, which is written in great detail.
def ticket
url = CGI . unescape ( params [ :url ] ) # 微信中用户访问的页面
@data = wechat_gate_config . generate_js_request_params ( url ) # 生成微信JS-SDK所需的jsapi_ticket,signature等等参数供前段js使用
render content_type : "application/javascript"
var wxServerConfig = <%= @data.to_json.html_safe %>;
<%= params[:callback] %>();
Then introduce the following code on the WeChat page:
( function ( ) {
var ticket = document . createElement ( "script" ) ;
ticket . src = "http://localhost/api/wechat_ticket/ticket.js?url=" + encodeURIComponent ( window . location . href . split ( '#' ) [ 0 ] ) + "&callback=wxCallback" ;
var s = document . getElementsByTagName ( "script" ) [ 0 ] ;
s . parentNode . insertBefore ( ticket , s ) ;
} ) ( ) ;
First set the menu configuration file, config/wechat_menu.yml, which supports erb. For the format, please refer to the WeChat custom menu document:
- type: view
name: 我的2
url: <%= @config.oauth2_entrance_url(scope: 'snsapi_userinfo', state: 'profile') %>
- type: view
name: 课程
- type: view
name: 免费课程
url: <%= @config.oauth2_entrance_url(scope: 'snsapi_userinfo', state: 'free') %>
- type: view
name: 付费课程
url: <%= @config.oauth2_entrance_url(scope: 'snsapi_userinfo', state: 'paid') %>
The **@config** variable is the current WeChat public account instance. Please do not modify it and use it directly.
Then execute the rake task:
$rails wechat_gate:create_menu APP_NAME=eggman CONFIG=/path/to/wechat.yml MENU=/path/to/wechat_menu.yml
Among them, CONFIG defaults to config/wechat.yml, MENU defaults to config/wechat_menu.yml, and APP_NAME must be specified.
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