retinaface wasm
This is a WASM implementation of the Retinaface face detection algorithm. It is based on the Retinaface paper.
This module supports WeChat applet and does not rely on any third-party libraries and can be used directly! (You can manually compress the wasm file with brotli and copy the index.ts code)
npm install retinaface-wasm
import Retinaface , { getWasmFile , env } from 'retinaface-wasm'
import imagePath from './R.jpg'
const wasm = await WebAssembly . instantiateStreaming ( fetch ( '' + getWasmFile ( ) ) , env )
const retinaface = new Retinaface ( wasm . instance )
const image = new Image ( )
image . src = imagePath
await new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
image . onload = resolve
image . onerror = reject
} )
const [ data , scale ] = retinaface . processImage ( image )
const result = retinaface . detect ( data , scale )
console . log ( result )
retinaface . close ( )
node -e " fs.writeFileSync('', zlib.brotliCompressSync(fs.readFileSync('retinaface-basic.wasm'))) "
WeChat Mini Program Example
478 Landmarks Example
Landmark Indexes