FLV, MP4 web video player
1: Set index.asp and index.html as the default documents
2: The specific steps for the server to add MIME type mapping settings for mp4 format are (if it has already been set, there is no need to set it)
The specific steps for the server to add MIME type mapping settings for mp4 format are:
"Start" > "Control Panel" > "Administrative Tools" > "Internet Information Services (IIS Manager)", find your website, right-click > "Properties" > "HTTP Headers" > "MIME Type" > "New" , enter ".mp4" in the "Extension" box, enter "application/octet-stream" in the "MIME Type" box, and then confirm. "MIME type" is just a description, you do not have to enter "flv-application/octet-stream".
3: Set the correct playback file position on the playback page (for example: file:'http://down.admin5.com/bfq1/test.mp4' This is the file playback position code)
FLV, MP4 web video player code 2.0 update
Added 4 versions in the folder bfq1bfq2bfq3bfq4
Add FLV videos with preview list, beautify the player and add image advertising code when the video is played
Increase full-screen playback and increase the position of advertising ads