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This project is a backend management framework that integrates permission management, login function, UI components, Qiniu upload and other functions. It is recommended to use it directly.
Note : To facilitate front-end debugging, data requests are simulated using mockjs. Please remove the mock file when you need to request external api .
我建了一个qq群 1051755653 ,方便大家交流,提升前端技能,分享招聘信息等等。
Markdown 编辑器
(supports multi-level routing)多环境发布
More demos
# 克隆项目
git clone
# 安装依赖
npm install
npm install --registry=
# 本地开发 开启服务
npm run dev
Browser access http://localhost:9001
In order to make it easier for everyone to use and reduce the size, we developed a command line build tool based on node, which can install/delete plug-ins. For example, if the project you are developing does not require the Tinymce plug-in, just
wz remove -p Tinymce
to delete Tinymce. If you need to request an external API, executewz remove -p Mockjs
and modify the corresponding api address according to the prompts.
Please use cli in the early stages of the project when the structural changes are not significant.
# 如需使用脚手架在npm install 之后执行
npm link
# 随后即可使用wz脚手架
wz remove -p Tinymce //卸载Tinymce插件
wz remove -p Mockjs //卸载Mock.js插件
wz -h 查看命令帮助
The current uninstallable plug-ins include Tinymce|Markdown|Mockjs|Jsontree. More plug-ins will be uninstalled soon to facilitate development and streamline the size.
# 发布测试环境 带webpack ananalyzer
npm run build:sit-preview
# 构建生成环境
npm run build:prod
├── bin // node 命令行构建工具
├── build // 构建相关
├── config // 配置相关
├── src // 源代码
│ ├── api // 所有请求
│ ├── components // 全局UI组件
│ ├── mock // mock数据
│ ├── router // 路由
│ ├── store // 全局store管理
│ ├── utils // 全局公用方法
│ ├── containers // 自适应布局组合
│ ├── view // view界面
│ │ ├── charts //图表组件
│ │ ├── components //首页组件
│ │ ├── login //登录界面
│ │ ├── errorPages //错误界面
│ │ └── permission //权限测试界面
│ ├── App.vue // 入口页面
│ └── main.js // 入口 加载组件 初始化等
├── static // 静态资源
│ ├── bower_components //七牛SDK
│ ├── css //css
│ ├── js //js
├── .babelrc // babel-loader 配置
├── eslintrc.js // eslint 配置项
├── .gitignore // git 忽略项
├── favicon.ico // favicon图标
├── index.html // html模板
└── package.json // package.json