This is a simple responsive admin template using React and Material-UI components.
using create-react-app react-scripts to start.
This is the very first version, feel free to use for any app. Contributions are always welcome!
You can find a demo here.
for dev
git clone <repository-url>
# change into the new directory
npm install
npm start # will run the app
# Visit the app at http://localhost:3000
for test
npm run test
for Production
npm run build
cd build
# start a static server serving ./build dir, eg node serve/http-server or serve in express using express.static
serve -s build
compile & build & test
check the create-react-app react-scripts doc for more information.
update material-ui from v3 to v4 migration to v4
if you are using some material-ui 0.x version, you could check this docs for migration migration-from-v0-x
material-ui is using jss css-in-js for styling solution.
now switch to version 4.x, it's a complete rewrite from the previous react-router version.
eslint using eslint for js/react code lint. using prettier for code styling
npm run lint
will show the lint result.
Thanks to rafaelhz's template. This repo first use the latest react (16.x) & material-ui (3.x) version and create-react-app to rewrite the admin template.