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korm.DocsUrl = "docs" // default endpoint '/docs' 
korm.BASIC_AUTH_USER = "test"
korm.BASIC_AUTH_PASS = "pass"
korm.WithDocs(generate, dirPath, korm.BasicAuth)
korm.WithDocs(true, "", korm.BasicAuth) // dirPath default to 'assets/static/docs'
korm.WithEmbededDocs(embeded embed.FS, dirPath, korm.BasicAuth)
// dirPath default to 'assets/static/docs' if empty

Interactive shell

Commands :  
[databases, use, tables, columns, migrate, createsuperuser, createuser, query, getall, get, drop, delete, clear/cls, q/quit/exit, help/commands]
	  list all connected databases

	  use a specific database

	  list all tables in database

	  list all columns of a table
	  (accept but not required extra param like : 'columns' or 'columns users')

	  migrate or execute sql file

  'createsuperuser': (only with dashboard)
	  create a admin user
  'createuser': (only with dashboard)
	  create a regular user

	  query data from database 
	  (accept but not required extra param like : 'query' or 'query select * from users where ...')

	  get all rows given a table name
	  (accept but not required extra param like : 'getall' or 'getall users')

	  get single row 
	  (accept but not required extra param like : 'get' or 'get users email like "%anything%"')

	  delete rows where field equal_to
	  (accept but not required extra param like : 'delete' or 'delete users email="[email protected]"')

	  drop a table given table name
	  (accept but not required extra param like : 'drop' or 'drop users')

  'clear / cls':
	  clear shell console

  'q / quit / exit / q!':
	  exit shell

	  show this help message

Example, not required, Load config from env directly to struct using Kenv

import "github.com/kamalshkeir/kenv"

type EmbedS struct {
	Static    bool `kenv:"EMBED_STATIC|false"`
	Templates bool `kenv:"EMBED_TEMPLATES|false"`

type GlobalConfig struct {
	Host       string `kenv:"HOST|localhost"` // DEFAULT to 'localhost': if HOST not found in env
	Port       string `kenv:"PORT|9313"`
	Embed 	   EmbedS
	Db struct {
		Name     string `kenv:"DB_NAME|db"` // NOT REQUIRED: if DB_NAME not found, defaulted to 'db'
		Type     string `kenv:"DB_TYPE"` // REEQUIRED: this env var is required, you will have error if empty
		DSN      string `kenv:"DB_DSN|"` // NOT REQUIRED: if DB_DSN not found it's not required, it's ok to stay empty
	Smtp struct {
		Email string `kenv:"SMTP_EMAIL|"`
		Pass  string `kenv:"SMTP_PASS|"`
		Host  string `kenv:"SMTP_HOST|"`
		Port  string `kenv:"SMTP_PORT|"`
	Profiler   bool   `kenv:"PROFILER|false"`
	Docs       bool   `kenv:"DOCS|false"`
	Logs       bool   `kenv:"LOGS|false"`
	Monitoring bool   `kenv:"MONITORING|false"`

kenv.Load(".env") // load env file

// Fill struct from env loaded before:
Config := &GlobalConfig{}
err := kenv.Fill(Config) // fill struct with env vars loaded before

Example nested or embeded structs

package main

import (


type Class struct {
	Id       uint `korm:"pk"`
	Name     string
	Students []Student

type Student struct {
	Id      uint `korm:"pk"`
	Name    string
	Class   uint `korm:"fk:classes.id:cascade:cascade"`
	Classes Class

func main() {
	err := korm.New(korm.SQLITE, "db", sqlitedriver.Use())
	if lg.CheckError(err) {
	defer korm.Shutdown()

	server := korm.WithDashboard("localhost:9313")

	err = korm.AutoMigrate[Class]("classes")

	err = korm.AutoMigrate[Student]("students")

	// go run main.go shell to createsuperuser
	// connect to admin and create some data to query

	// nested structs with joins, scan the result to the channel directly after each row
	// so instead of receiving a slice, you will receive data on the channel[0] of the passed slice
	studentsChan := []chan Student{make(chan Student)}
	go func() {
		for s := range studentsChan[0] {
			fmt.Println("chan students:", s)
	err = korm.To(&studentsChan).Query("select students.*,classes.id as 'classes.id',classes.name as 'classes.name'  from students join classes where classes.id = students.class")

	// nested (second argument of 'Scan') filled automatically from join, support nested slices and structs
	classes := []Class{}
	err = korm.To(&classes, true).Query("select classes.*, students.id as 'students.id',students.name as 'students.name' from classes join students on students.class = classes.id order by classes.id")
	for _, s := range classes {
		fmt.Println("class:", s)

	// // not nested, only remove second arg true from Scan method
	students := []Student{}
	err = korm.To(&students, true).Query("select students.*,classes.id as 'classes.id',classes.name as 'classes.name'  from students join classes where classes.id = students.class")
	for _, s := range students {
		fmt.Println("student:", s)

	maps := []map[string]any{}
	err = korm.To(&maps).Query("select * from students")
	fmt.Println("maps =", maps)

	names := []*string{}
	err = korm.To(&names).Query("select name from students")
	fmt.Println("names =", names)

	ids := []int{}
	err = korm.To(&ids).Query("select id from students")
	fmt.Println("ids =", ids)

	bools := []bool{}
	err = korm.To(&bools).Query("select is_admin from users")
	fmt.Println("bools =", bools)

	times := []time.Time{}
	err = korm.To(&times).Query("select created_at from users")
	fmt.Println("times =", times)


// chan students: {1 student-1 1 {1 Math []}}
// chan students: {2 student-2 2 {2 French []}}
// chan students: {3 student-3 1 {1 Math []}}
// chan students: {4 student-4 2 {2 French []}}

// class: {1 Math [{1 student-1 0 {0  []}} {3 student-3 0 {0  []}}]}
// class: {2 French [{2 student-2 0 {0  []}} {4 student-4 0 {0  []}}]}

// student: &{1 student-1 1 {1 Math []}}
// student: &{2 student-2 2 {2 French []}}
// student: &{3 student-3 1 {1 Math []}}
// student: &{4 student-4 2 {2 French []}}

// maps = [map[class:1 id:1 name:student-1] map[class:2 id:2 name:student-2] map[class:1 id:3 name:student-3] map[class:2 id:4 name:student-4]]

// names = [student-1 student-2 student-3 student-4]

// ids = [1 2 3 4]

// bools = [true]

// times = [2023-04-30 19:19:32 +0200 CEST]

Benchmark vs Tarantool, Pgx, Gorm


Benchmarks vs Gorm

goos: windows
goarch: amd64
pkg: github.com/kamalshkeir/korm/benchmarks
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7300HQ CPU @ 2.50GHz

To execute these benchmarks on your machine, very easy :

type TestTable struct {
	Id        uint `korm:"pk"`
	Email     string
	Content   string
	Password  string
	IsAdmin   bool
	CreatedAt time.Time `korm:"now"`
	UpdatedAt time.Time `korm:"update"`

type TestTableGorm struct {
	Id        uint `gorm:"primarykey"`
	Email     string
	Content   string
	Password  string
	IsAdmin   bool
	CreatedAt time.Time
	UpdatedAt time.Time
////////////////////////////////////////////  query 7000 rows  //////////////////////////////////////////////
BenchmarkGetAllS_GORM-4                       19          56049832 ns/op        12163316 B/op     328790 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllS-4                       2708934               395.3 ns/op           224 B/op          1 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllM_GORM-4                       18          62989567 ns/op        13212278 B/op     468632 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllM-4                       4219461               273.5 ns/op           224 B/op          1 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetRowS_GORM-4                    12188             96988 ns/op            5930 B/op        142 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetRowS-4                       1473164               805.1 ns/op           336 B/op          7 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetRowM_GORM-4                    11402            101638 ns/op            7408 B/op        203 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetRowM-4                       1752652               671.9 ns/op           336 B/op          7 allocs/op
BenchmarkPagination10_GORM-4                7714            153304 ns/op           19357 B/op        549 allocs/op
BenchmarkPagination10-4                  1285722               934.5 ns/op           400 B/op          7 allocs/op
BenchmarkPagination100_GORM-4               1364            738934 ns/op          165423 B/op       4704 allocs/op
BenchmarkPagination100-4                 1278724               956.5 ns/op           400 B/op          7 allocs/op
BenchmarkQueryS-4                        5781499               207.7 ns/op             4 B/op          1 allocs/op
BenchmarkQueryM-4                        4643155               227.2 ns/op             4 B/op          1 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllTables-4                 47465865                25.48 ns/op            0 B/op          0 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllColumns-4                23657019                42.82 ns/op            0 B/op          0 allocs/op
////////////////////////////////////////////  query 5000 rows  //////////////////////////////////////////////
BenchmarkGetAllS_GORM-4                       24          43247546 ns/op         8796840 B/op     234784 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllS-4                       2854401               426.8 ns/op           224 B/op          1 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllM_GORM-4                       24          46329242 ns/op         9433050 B/op     334631 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllM-4                       4076317               283.4 ns/op           224 B/op          1 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetRowS_GORM-4                    11445            101107 ns/op            5962 B/op        142 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetRowS-4                       1344831               848.4 ns/op           336 B/op          7 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetRowM_GORM-4                    10000            100969 ns/op            7440 B/op        203 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetRowM-4                       1721742               688.5 ns/op           336 B/op          7 allocs/op
BenchmarkPagination10_GORM-4                7500            156208 ns/op           19423 B/op        549 allocs/op
BenchmarkPagination10-4                  1253757               952.3 ns/op           400 B/op          7 allocs/op
BenchmarkPagination100_GORM-4               1564            749408 ns/op          165766 B/op       4704 allocs/op
BenchmarkPagination100-4                 1236270               957.5 ns/op           400 B/op          7 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllTables-4                 44399386                25.43 ns/op            0 B/op          0 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllColumns-4                27906392                41.45 ns/op            0 B/op          0 allocs/op
////////////////////////////////////////////  query 1000 rows  //////////////////////////////////////////////
BenchmarkGetAllS_GORM-4                      163           6766871 ns/op         1683919 B/op      46735 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllS-4                       2882660               399.0 ns/op           224 B/op          1 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllM_GORM-4                      140           8344988 ns/op         1886922 B/op      66626 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllM-4                       3826730               296.5 ns/op           224 B/op          1 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetRowS_GORM-4                    11940             97725 ns/op            5935 B/op        142 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetRowS-4                       1333258               903.0 ns/op           336 B/op          7 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetRowM_GORM-4                    10000            106079 ns/op            7408 B/op        203 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetRowM-4                       1601274               748.2 ns/op           336 B/op          7 allocs/op
BenchmarkPagination10_GORM-4                7534            159991 ns/op           19409 B/op        549 allocs/op
BenchmarkPagination10-4                  1153982              1022 ns/op             400 B/op          7 allocs/op
BenchmarkPagination100_GORM-4               1468            766269 ns/op          165876 B/op       4705 allocs/op
BenchmarkPagination100-4                 1000000              1016 ns/op             400 B/op          7 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllTables-4                 56200297                25.36 ns/op            0 B/op          0 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllColumns-4                25478679                41.30 ns/op            0 B/op          0 allocs/op
////////////////////////////////////////////  query 300 rows  //////////////////////////////////////////////
BenchmarkGetAllS_GORM-4                      558           2046830 ns/op          458475 B/op      13823 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllS-4                       2798872               411.5 ns/op           224 B/op          1 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllM_GORM-4                      428           2605646 ns/op          567011 B/op      19721 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllM-4                       4093662               287.9 ns/op           224 B/op          1 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetRowS_GORM-4                    12182             97764 ns/op            5966 B/op        142 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetRowS-4                       1347084               886.4 ns/op           336 B/op          7 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetRowM_GORM-4                    10000            105311 ns/op            7440 B/op        203 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetRowM-4                       1390363               780.0 ns/op           336 B/op          7 allocs/op
BenchmarkPagination10_GORM-4                7502            155949 ns/op           19437 B/op        549 allocs/op
BenchmarkPagination10-4                  1000000              1046 ns/op             400 B/op          7 allocs/op
BenchmarkPagination100_GORM-4               1479            779700 ns/op          165679 B/op       4705 allocs/op
BenchmarkPagination100-4                 1000000              1054 ns/op             400 B/op          7 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllTables-4                 52255704                26.00 ns/op            0 B/op          0 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllColumns-4                29292368                42.09 ns/op            0 B/op          0 allocs/op
////////////////////////////////////////////    MONGO       //////////////////////////////////////////////
BenchmarkGetAllS-4               3121384               385.6 ns/op           224 B/op          1 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllM-4               4570059               264.2 ns/op           224 B/op          1 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetRowS-4               1404399               866.6 ns/op           336 B/op          7 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetRowM-4               1691026               722.6 ns/op           336 B/op          7 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllTables-4         47424489                25.34 ns/op            0 B/op          0 allocs/op
BenchmarkGetAllColumns-4        27039632                42.22 ns/op            0 B/op          0 allocs/op

Available Tags by struct field type:

String Field:

Without parameter                 With parameter                           
*  	text (create column as TEXT not VARCHAR)
*  	notnull
*  	unique
*   iunique // insensitive unique
*  	index, +index, index+ (INDEX ascending)
*  	index-, -index (INDEX descending)
*  	default (DEFAULT '')
* 	default:'any' (DEFAULT 'any')
*	mindex:...
* 	uindex:username,Iemail // CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON users (username,LOWER(email)) 
	// 	email is lower because of 'I' meaning Insensitive for email
* 	fk:...
* 	size:50  (VARCHAR(50))
* 	check:...

Int, Uint, Int64, Uint64 Fields:

Without parameter                
*   -  			 (To Ignore a field)
*   autoinc, pk  (PRIMARY KEY)
*   notnull      (NOT NULL)
*  	index, +index, index+ (CREATE INDEX ON COLUMN)
*  	index-, -index(CREATE INDEX DESC ON COLUMN)     
*   default		 (DEFAULT 0)
With parameter                           
Available 'on_delete' and 'on_update' options: cascade,(donothing,noaction),(setnull,null),(setdefault,default)

*   fk:{table}.{column}:{on_delete}:{on_update} 
*   check: len(to_check) > 10 ; check: is_used=true (You can chain checks or keep it in the same CHECK separated by AND)
*   mindex: first_name, last_name (CREATE MULTI INDEX ON COLUMN + first_name + last_name)
*   uindex: first_name, last_name (CREATE MULTI UNIQUE INDEX ON COLUMN + first_name + last_name) 
*   default:5 (DEFAULT 5)

Bool : bool is INTEGER NOT NULL checked between 0 and 1 (in order to be consistent accross sql dialects)

Without parameter                 With parameter                           
*  	index, +index, index+ (CREATE INDEX ON COLUMN)
*  	index-, -index(CREATE INDEX DESC ON COLUMN)  
*   default (DEFAULT 0)
*   default:1 (DEFAULT 1)
*   mindex:...
*   fk:...

time.Time :

Without parameter                 With parameter
*  	index, +index, index+ (CREATE INDEX ON COLUMN)
*  	index-, -index(CREATE INDEX DESC ON COLUMN)  
*   unique
*   now (NOT NULL and defaulted to current unix timestamp)
*   fk:...
*   check:...
*   uindex:...

Float64 :

Without parameter                 With parameter                           
*   notnull
*  	index, +index, index+ (CREATE INDEX ON COLUMN)
*  	index-, -index(CREATE INDEX DESC ON COLUMN)  
*   unique
*   default
*   default:...
*   fk:...
*   mindex:...
*   uindex:...
*   check:...


type JsonOption struct {
	As       string
	Dialect  string
	Database string
	Params   []any
func JSON_EXTRACT(dataJson string, opt ...JsonOption) string
func JSON_REMOVE(dataJson string, opt ...JsonOption) string
func JSON_SET(dataJson string, opt ...JsonOption) string
func JSON_ARRAY(values []any, as string, dialect ...string) string
func JSON_OBJECT(values []any, as string, dialect ...string) string
func JSON_CAST(value string, as string, dialect ...string) string

// create query json
q := korm.JSON_EXTRACT(`{"a": {"c": 3}, "b": 2}`, korm.JsonOption{
	As:     "data",
	Params: []any{"a.c", "b"},
fmt.Println("q ==", q) // q == JSON_EXTRACT('{"a": {"c": 3}, "b": 2}','$.a.c','$.b') AS data

var data []map[string]any
err := korm.To(&data).Query("SELECT " + q)

fmt.Println("data=", data) // data= [map[data:[3,2]]]

? Links


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