Scallable and easy to use admin dashboard that will help you to manage your REST API data built with React and Mobx.
Creating frontend part for the admin panel of the REST API server always takes a lot of time to design and develop, and it's could be complicated and challenging. This project will help you quickly connect your API to a scalable frontend application for managing your data. This project based on JSON configuration files, so to add new Entity to manage you should only add [entity].js config file for it, all other logic is automated. Also this project provides ready to use logging, authentication and other base logic for admin panel. All datatable contais sorting, filtering and search features. Also this project implements pages to create and update you entities items.
Use these steps to install project
1. yarn install
2. yarn start
Build project:
yarn build
Project already contains test entities (user and task entity) for demonstration All data generates using faker.js library. Also this project contains fake API server with mocked methods that will take test data from fixtures. You can review how project works in the Demo application.
To enter demo application you should provide any email and password data, application doesn't saves your data and it's not connected to any back-end server or database.
To add new entity into the project you should create new [entity_name].js file in /src/entities
folder and connect it in the /src/entities/index.js
// connect your entities here
import user from './user'
import task from './task'
// INFO: provide your entities here
const entities = [user, task]
export default entities
Here's basic minimal entity configuration file:
import ExampleIcon from '@material-ui/icons/ExampleIcon'
export default {
name: 'example',
icon: ExampleIcon,
url: '',
fields: [
name: 'name',
type: 'string',
rules: 'required'
Here's example configuration file that contains more complex fields for the Task
import React from 'react'
import Assignment from '@material-ui/icons/Assignment'
import apiUrls from '../utils/apiUrls'
import { UpdateEntityUrlMethod } from '../utils/constants'
// NOTICE: we should use .jsx extention for this file to support custom actions
export default {
name: 'task',
icon: Assignment,
url: apiUrls.fake.task,
updateUrlMethod: UpdateEntityUrlMethod.PATCH,
filtersUrl: apiUrls.fake.taskFilters,
pagination: { pageSize: 20, pageNumber: 1 },
filters: [
name: 'status',
value: ''
name: 'importance',
value: ''
fields: [
name: 'name',
type: 'string',
rules: 'required'
name: 'desc',
type: 'string',
rules: 'email|required'
name: 'status',
type: 'dropdown',
rules: 'required',
options: ['Created', 'In progress', 'Closed'],
// example of custom body action
actions: {
body: {
custom: ({ value }) => (
<div style={{ display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center' }}>
borderRadius: '50%',
width: 8,
height: 8,
marginRight: 8,
value === 'Created'
? '#bbb'
: value === 'In progress'
? '#3d2'
: '#222'
name: 'importance',
type: 'dropdown',
rules: 'required',
options: ['Low', 'Medium', 'High'],
// example of custom body action
actions: {
body: {
custom: ({ value }) => (
color: value === 'Low' ? '#3d2' : value === 'Medium' ? '#c37800' : '#e23'
Entity name.
Entity icon, will be displayed on the sidebar menu. You can use MaterialUI icons or provide custom icon component or use simple SVG file.
Entity base url. This url will be used to perform CRUD operations over entity.
HTTP method that will be used to update update entity, by default project uses PATCH method. Available methods is PUT and PATCH. You can assign here literal values [PATCH
], or use UpdateEntityUrlMethod
enum from src/utils/constants
updateUrlMethod will be used to fetch entity filters, that could be used to filter entity items in the entity table. Filter name should be one of the entity fields. This parameter is optional, and you can provide all options for filters within filters
item object just hardcoded them. But in the case if you have a big amount of unique options for the filter you probably want to fetch them asyncronously from some API endpoint.
NOTE: you can inject all url parameters as string literal or add them to the `src/utils/apiUrls` file and import from there.
pagination field will change default pagination rules. As default project will use pageSize = 20
and pageNumber = 1
pagination: { pageSize: 20, pageNumber: 1 }
Array that contains entity filters.
Filter fields:
name: 'status', // name, should be one of the entity fields names
value: '' // default filter value
options: [] // array of options, you can provide them here or fecth async using `filtersUrl`
This array should contain all entity fields configuration.
Field fields:
name: 'name', // field name
type: 'dropdown', // field type
rules: 'required', // field validation rules
options: ['Created', 'In progress', 'Closed'], // array of options, only for dropdown type
actions: { // field custom actions
head: { // field head custom axtions
custom: <ReactElement>, // custom action React element
className // head custom className
body: { // body custom actions
custom: <ReactElement>, // custom action React element
className // body custom className
Entity field name
Entity field type. Available types: number, boolean, string, dropdown.
If field type is boolen in the Entity edit page
it will be rendered as Checkbox element.
If field type is dropdown it will be rendered as <select>
element with options from <options>
Entity field validation rules, you can review all available rules in the validator.js API page.
Array of dropdown-select options, only for dropdown
field type.
Actions is a custom React elements. You can use actions if you want to customize you entity table with special fields in the table body or header. Just pass custom render function in the custom
field. With this function you can
actions: {
body: {
custom: ({ value, name, history }) => (
<div style={{ display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center' }}>
borderRadius: '50%',
value === 'Created'
? '#bbb'
: value === 'In progress'
? '#3d2'
: '#222'
{value} {name}
<button onClick={() => history.push('home')}>Go to home</button>
Render function will receive value
, className
, name
, and history
object of react-router-dom library. You can add actions into head and body elements which will accordingly customize table head and body items.
git checkout -b my-new-feature
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
git push origin my-new-feature
Vlad Morzhanov
Copyright (c) 2018 Vlad Morzhanov. You can review license in the LICENSE file.