fw spring cloud
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technology stack | Version |
jdk | 1.8.0_161 |
SpringBoot | 2.2.1.RELEASE |
SpringCloud | Hoxton.RELEASE |
SpringCloud Alibaba | 2.1.1.RELEASE |
Hutool | 5.2.5 |
Drools | 7.7.0.Final |
stage | Knowledge points | state |
getting Started | SpringBoot | OK |
getting Started | Eureka | OK |
getting Started | RIbbon | OK |
getting Started | Feign | OK |
getting Started | Hystrix | OK |
getting Started | Zuul | OK |
getting Started | Config | OK |
Advanced | bus | OK |
Advanced | Gateway | OK |
Advanced | Service Tracking (SkyWalking) | OK |
Advanced | Service Tracking (Zipkin) | OK |
Advanced | Registration center expansion (Zookeeper) | OK |
Advanced | Registration center expansion (Nacos) | OK |
Advanced | Registration center expansion (Consul) | OK |
Advanced | Gateway expansion (Zuul service now available) | OK |
Advanced | Gateway expansion (Spring Cloud Gateway) | OK |
Advanced | Configuration center expansion (Nacos) | OK |
Advanced | Configuration center expansion (Apollo) | OK |
advanced | Application monitoring (SpringBoot Admin) | OK |
advanced | Application Monitoring (ELK) | OK |
advanced | Application monitoring (Prometheus) | OK |
advanced | Caching (Guava, Redis) | OK |
advanced | Distributed lock (Mysql, Redis, Zookeeper) | OK |
advanced | Sharding-JDBC | OK |
advanced | Distributed transactions (MQ) | OK |
advanced | Distributed transactions (LCN) | OK |
advanced | Distributed transactions (Seata) | OK |
advanced | Rule engine (Drools) | OK |
advanced | System Security(Security) | OK |
Containerization | docker | OK |
Containerization | k8s | OK |
Many codes have been interacted and modified before. Please refer to the tutorial for details. Of course, if you are already proficient in Spring Cloud, reading these cases will also help you review and deepen your impression. Tutorial address
A lot of architecture, technical documents, and common progress are uploaded in it.