Complete monolithic CMS panel, built with Laravel, Blade templates and jQuery.
After cloning this repository:
Copy and rename the .env.example file to .env and configure the connection data with your database. Also adjust the APP_URL AND ASSET_URL parameters according to your application.
Run the following commands via terminal, within the cloned repository
composer install
php artisan key:generate
php artisan browscap:update
php artisan migrate
And finally, to run the application, start the server with:
php artisan serve
Access the application via the server URL. A page simulating a website's home page will be displayed with a message and no formatting. It exists only as an example of counting visits. All website pages that you want to monitor (visit counter for the dashboard) must be included in Laravel routes and within the "stats" middleware group, as per the example of this home page mentioned in the web routes file.
To access the admin: http://seu_host/admin.
Ex: http://localhost:8000/admin
User: [email protected]
Password: admin01