vue3 next
vue3-next is a management-side template solution based on vue3, ts and element-plus. The projects are all written in the composition API style.
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This template should help get you started developing with Vue 3 and Typescript in Vite.
此模版采用 Vue 3 + Typescript + Vite + Vuex4 + Element-Plus 构建
When the element-plus icon cannot be displayed, it is a resource package reference problem. Modify main.ts
// import 'element-plus/lib/theme-chalk/index.css'
import 'element-plus/packages/theme-chalk/src/index.scss'
Routing history mode, github site deployment failed, I don’t know why, you can use hash mode to createWebHashHistory
The routing uses the caching method, add keepAlive:true to the routing meat, and add name to the corresponding page, such as:
// router/modules/componentVector.js
path : '/dynamicTable' ,
name : 'DynamicTable' ,
component : ( ) => import ( '../../views/componentVector/dynamicTable.vue' ) ,
meta : { title : '动态表格' , noCache : true , icon : 'Smoking' , keepAlive : true } ,
// view/componentVector/dynamicTable
export default defineComponent ( {
// ...
name : 'DynamicTable' ,
// ...
} )