Based on Egg + TypeScript + Element + Webpack3 multi-page and single-page server-side client rendering isomorphic complete engineering project.
Support Egg Node side code and front-end code TypeScript writing and building
Support service worker automated construction
Supports async and await features, Controller is written in class mode
Supports server and client code modification, Webpack real-time compilation and hot update, npm run dev
one-click application startup
Based on vue + vuex + vue-router + axios single page server client isomorphic implementation
Supports development environment, test environment, and formal environment Webpack compilation
Support js/css/image resource dependency, built-in support for CDN features
Support Webpack DLL automated construction
Support Vue component server-side rendering and asynchronous loading
Using Egg + Vue server-side rendering
Using Egg + Vue + Vue-Router + Element single page server-side isomorphic rendering
npm install
npm start
npm run dev
Application access:
npm run tsc
npm run tsc
npm run build
to build TypeScript Egg code and TypeScript front-end codenpm start