Select excellent middle and back-end management systems, including complete systems, framework templates, scaffolding, etc., for development reference, learning and research.
Vue Vben Admin is a free and open source middle and backend template. Developed using the latest vue3, vite4, TypeScript, Ant design Vue and other mainstream technologies, it is an out-of-the-box mid- and back-end front-end solution.
JeecgBoot-Vue3 adopts Vue3.0, Vite, Ant-Design-Vue4, TypeScript and other new technology solutions, including secondary encapsulation components, utils, hooks, dynamic menus, permission verification, button-level permission control and other functions.
Backend management system template based on vite4.x + vue3.x + antd-design-vue4.x + typescript5.x
Ant Design Vue 4 version of Soybean Admin, middle and backend templates based on Vue3, Vite3, TypeScript, Pinia and UnoCSS.
RuoYi-Vue3 is a Java rapid development framework based on SpringBoot+Vue3 with front-end and back-end separation. The front-end technology stack is Vue3 + Element Plus + Vite.
vue-element-admin is a back-end and front-end solution, which is implemented based on vue and element-ui.
vue-pure-admin is an open source, free and out-of-the-box mid- and back-end management system template developed using the latest Vue3, Vite, Element-Plus, TypeScript, Pinia, Tailwindcss and other mainstream technologies.
Gin-vue-admin is a full-stack front-end and back-end development basic platform developed based on vite+vue3+gin.
Backend management system developed based on Vue2 and Element UI.
Geeker-Admin is an open source backend management framework based on Vue3.4, TypeScript, Vite5, Pinia, and Element-Plus. It is developed using the latest technology stack.
An out-of-the-box Vue3 mid- and back-end management system framework, using Vue3, Element Plus and other technologies.
Naive Ui Admin is completely free and available for commercial use. It is a middle and back-end solution based on Vue3.0, Vite, Naive UI, and TypeScript.
Soybean Admin
Soybean Admin is a fresh and elegant middle and backend template based on Vue3, Vite3, TypeScript, NaiveUI, Pinia and UnoCSS. It uses the latest popular front-end technology stack, has rich built-in theme configurations, has extremely high code specifications, and is file-based. Routing system and Mock-based dynamic permission routing, out-of-the-box mid-end and back-end front-end solutions.
Vue Naive Admin is a lightweight backend management template based on Vue3 + Vite + Pinia + Unocss + Naive UI.
Vben3 is a free and open source middle and backend template. Developed using the latest vue3, vite4, TypeScript and other mainstream technologies, it is an out-of-the-box mid-end and front-end solution.
Arco Design Pro
Arco Design Pro is an out-of-the-box mid- and back-end front-end solution based on the Arco Design Vue component library.
Vue TSX Admin
Vue TSX Admin is a free and open source middle and backend management system module. The UI refers to acro design pro + ant design pro. It uses the latest front-end technology stack and is completely developed using the Vue3 + TSX model. It provides out-of-the-box Middle and backend front-end solutions.