Universal backend role permission management system, based on vue-element-admin and PHP CodeIgniter 3.1.10 RESTful implementation. It adopts a permission management system with front-end and back-end separation architecture and a PHP rapid development platform. The goal is to build a simple and easy-to-use rapid solution. It can help users effectively reduce project development difficulty and cost.
Based on the [email protected] front-end template, modify the dynamic routing part to realize that the menu routing can be dynamically loaded according to the back-end role. The back-end routing permissions are based on php-jwt
and use php CI hook
for token and permission authentication.
Except for the home page and documents, the original sample templates of the vue-element-admin front-end are archived under the样例模板
menu, see @router/index.js constantRouterMap, and other components such as tags-views, etc., are not done. Changes can be made and deleted based on specific needs.
For the implementation of dynamically switching roles, see vue-php-admin-V3
jwt token方式
, github/gitee 三方登录
package), corporate WeChat scan code to log in, see vue-php-admin-V3 logs
table For a complete example of addition, deletion, modification and query of restful specifications, see Article.php controller
The catfan/medoo package database operation is introduced to replace part of the model of the CI framework. TODO: Use medoo to completely replace the CI database operation.
Use catfan/medoo to implement complex paging filtering and sorting. See article_get() and users_get() and vue front-end GET request construction parameters.
The front-end GET request parameters are related to the table component used. The vue-data-tables component is used here.
GET /articles?offset=1&limit=30&sort=-id&fields=id,title,author&query=~author,title&author=888&title=world
limit: 每页记录数,后台会配置默认值
offset: 第几页,后台会配置默认值
sort: 支持多个参数 &sort=-id,+author => id降序 author 升序
fileds: 指定要获取的显示字段 => 降低网络流量
query: 支持多个参数 &query=~author,title => author like 模糊查询, title精确查询 &author=888&title=world 需要配合query参数才有意义
Download the front-end code (vue-element-admin directory) and unzip it
Modify interface configuration
cat .env.development
# base api
VUE_APP_BASE_API = 'http://www.cirest.com:8890/api/v2/'
npm run dev
Download the PHP backend code (CodeIgniter-3.1.10 directory) and unzip it
Create the database vueadmin and import the vueadmin.sql file. When navcat-for-mysql import sometimes causes errors, modify the mysql my.ini configuration file parameter mysqld and add max_allowed_packet = 500M under the node.
Backend database connection configuration modification configuration file
cat applicationconfigdatabase.php
$ db [ ' default ' ] = array(
' dsn ' => '' ,
' hostname ' => ' localhost ' ,
' username ' => ' root ' ,
' password ' => ' root ' ,
' database ' => ' vueadminv2 ' ,
cat applicationconfigconfig.php
// medoodb 初始化数据库全局配置, 注意与CI databases.php 区别, TODO: 完全弃用 CI 自带数据库操作,使用medoodb
$ config [ ' medoodb ' ] = [
' database_type ' => ' mysql ' ,
' database_name ' => ' vueadminv2 ' ,
' server ' => ' localhost ' ,
' username ' => ' root ' ,
' password ' => ' root ' ,
' charset ' => ' utf8 ' ,
' port ' => 3306 ,
' prefix ' => '' ,
// PDO驱动选项 http://www.php.net/manual/en/pdo.setattribute.php
' option ' => [
CodeIgniter-3.1.10 directory, composer installs related dependency packages php-jwt and codeigniter-restserver
composer install // 根据composer.json 初始安装所有插件包
Or manually
composer require chriskacerguis/codeigniter-restserver
composer require firebase/php-jwt
composer require league/oauth2-github
composer require nette/http
composer require catfan/medoo
Use phpstudy to configure site domain name management and modify the hosts file (optional)
www.cirest.com:8890 Note that it is consistent with the front-end interface configuration BASE_API: '"http://www.cirest.com:8890/api/v2/"'
API interface call usage example:
http://www.cirest.com:8890/api/v2/sys/user/testapi # 免token认证测试接口正常 对应 GET 请求
The token-free authentication test interface is configured in CodeIgniter-3.1.10/config/config.php
$ config [ ' jwt_white_list ' ] = [
' /example/users/get ' ,
' /example/users/post ' ,
' /example/users/delete ' ,
' /article/articles/get ' , // 测试api接口不认证 http://www.cirest.com:8890/api/v2/article/articles uri_string => api/v2/article/articles
' /article/articles/post ' ,
' /article/articles/put ' ,
' /article/articles/delete ' ,
' /sys/user/testapi/get ' ,
The backend php interface uri contains index.php. If you want to remove and modify CodeIgniter-3.1.10/.htaccess
file (Apache) in the root directory, please note that it is not in CodeIgniter-3.1.10/application/
cat CodeIgniter-3.1.10/.htaccess
< IfModule mod_rewrite.c >
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php?/$1 [QSA,PT,L]
</ IfModule >
For Nginx, you need to modify the corresponding configuration of nginx.
table. The super administrator role of the system automatically has all permissions (can also be designed according to specific business needs)Tables_in_vueadminv2 | illustrate |
keys | PHP CI RESTful apikey can be turned on and off in config.php |
logs | PHP CI RESTful log table can be turned on and off in config.php |
sys_dept | System department table |
sys_menu | System menu table |
sys_perm | System permission table |
sys_perm_type | Permission type (not used yet) |
sys_role | System role table |
sys_role_perm | Role permission relationship table |
sys_user | System user table |
sys_user_dept | Table of departments to which users belong (can be one-to-many) |
sys_user_role | User role correspondence |
sys_user_token | Using JWT token this table is useless |
upload_tbl | Business test form |
php 7.3.4nts
+ Apache 2.4.39
CodeIgniter-3.1.10applicationconfigconfig.php // access_token/refresh_token
expiration time configuration
$config['jwt_access_token_exp'] = 15; // 单位秒
$config['jwt_refresh_token_exp'] = 180; // 单位秒