Project introduction
The community article management system is based on SpringBoot + MyBatis + MySQL + Redis + Vue2 + ElementUI, and implements functions such as user registration, login, posting, commenting, following, searching, administrator management of articles, and user addition, deletion, modification, and query.
Instructions for use
Clone the project locally
Run the frontend
Switch to front-end project
Make sure node >= 16, check node version
Install dependencies
start up
- The vue.config.js file can modify the front-end startup address. Default: http://localhost:3001
- The .env file can modify the address of the backend server interface. Default: http://localhost:9001
Deploy front-end
Method 1: Generate dist file for deployment
Method 2: Use docker container deployment
docker build -t freefish-community-frontend:v0.0.1 .
docker run -p 80:80 -d freefish-community-frontend:v0.0.1
Run backend
Things to note
- JDK version is 1.8
- MySQL version is 8.0+
- Maven version is 3.9+
- Redis version is 5.0+
- The application-dev.yml file can modify the service startup port, MySQL, Redis configuration, etc.
- The ddl.sql file is a MySQL database file, which can be executed by Ctrl A + Select All + Ctrl Enter to quickly initialize the database.
- The administrator's default account | password is: admin | 123456
Deploy backend
Method 1: Generate jar package deployment (skip unit testing)
Method 2: Use docker container deployment
docker build -t freefish-community-backend:v0.0.1 .
docker run -p 9001:9001 -d freefish-community-backend:v0.0.1
Project display
Post management
User management
Home page
dark theme
User registration
User login
Article details
Article comments
Article release
Article search
Article management
Article editor
technology stack
front end
- Vue2 is a framework for building JavaScript
- ElementUI beautiful and easy-to-use UI component library
rear end
- SpringBoot
- SpringMVC
- MySQL database
- Redis data cache
- Spring Security (JWT security verification)
- MyBatis-Plus and MyBatis X code are automatically generated
- Hutool, Apache Common Utils, Gson and other tool libraries