? Long-term sponsor
? introduce
Based on vue3.x + CompositionAPI setup syntactic sugar + typescript + vite + element plus + vue-router-next + pinia technology, it is a background open source free template suitable for mobile phones, tablets, and PCs. We hope to reduce the workload and help everyone achieve rapid development.
⛱️ Online preview
- vue3.x version preview (vue-next-admin) https://lyt-top.gitee.io/vue-next-admin-preview/#/login
- vue2.x version preview (vue-prev-admin) https://lyt-top.gitee.io/vue-prev-admin-preview/#/login
- vue3.x + uni-app mall H5 (vue-next-admin-shop) https://lyt-top.gitee.io/vue-next-admin-shop-preview
? Code repository
- vue3.x version https://gitee.com/lyt-top/vue-next-admin
- vue2.x version https://gitee.com/lyt-top/vue-next-admin/tree/vue-prev-admin
? Install cnpm, yarn
- Copy the code (run with desktop cmd)
npm install -g cnpm --registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org
- Copy the code (run with desktop cmd)
npm install -g yarn
? Environmental support
Edge | Firefox | Chrome | Safari |
Edge≥88 | Firefox ≥ 78 | Chrome ≥ 87 | Safari ≥ 13 |
Since Vue3 no longer supports IE11, ElementPlus does not support IE11 and previous versions.
⚡ Instructions for use
It is recommended to use cnpm because yarn sometimes reports errors. node version > 14.18+/16+
Vite no longer supports Node 12/13/15 because the above versions have entered the EOL stage. Now you must use Node 14.18+ / 16+ version.
# 克隆项目
git clone https://gitee.com/lyt-top/vue-next-admin.git
# 进入项目
cd vue-next-admin
# 安装依赖
cnpm install
# 运行项目
cnpm run dev
# 打包发布
cnpm run build
Development documentation
- View the development documentation: vue-next-admin-doc
? Join QQ group for learning and communication
1 - 4 The communication group is full, please add vue-next-admin communication group 5
Group number: 556254895
For other communication groups, please check the document homepage vueNextAdmin to answer questions.
? Integrated backend
- @zuohuaijun Admin.NET
- @pandaPandaGoAdmin
- @sweetmiGoPro platform
- @sweetmiNiuPi platform
- @游子GFast-V3
- @diygw.com gw-ui-php
- @zsvg vboot-net
- @zsvg vboot-java
- @青红makes a white buildadmin
- @Goodwell iotfast (an open source IoT platform)
❤️ Credit list
- vue
- vue-next
- element-ui
- element-plus
- vue-router-next
- pinia
- echarts
- axios
- countUp
- mitt
- progress
- screenfull
- sortablejs
- sass
- typescript
- vite
- wangeditor
- cropperjs
- print-js
- vue-grid-layout
- splitpanes
- jsplumb
- js-table2excel
- vite-plugin-cdn-import
- js-cookie
- qrcodejs2-fixes
- qs
- vue-clipboard3
- vue-i18n
- vite-plugin-compression
- vite-plugin-vue-setup-extend-plus
?Special thanks
Special thanks to my friends for their advice, guidance and help. Thanks!
- @ Governor
- @ Tang Shen
- @川歌
- @华泽
? Support the author
If you think the framework is good or you are already using it, I hope you can go to Github or Gitee and give me a star. This will be a great encouragement and support for me.