Dw.Frm is a lightweight and simple project with a simple and clear hierarchical structure. It is very suitable for novices to get started and is easy to carry out expansion and secondary development. The front-end and back-end separation mode of this project can be used out of the box. You only need to focus on business function development.
Dw.Frm has built-in permission management and blog management modules. Jwt is used for permission authentication to implement the universal permission management RBAC mode.
Due to historical reasons, .net core3.1 is used, and the later architecture will be fully reconstructed to NET6, so stay tuned.
Use Vue-cil to build the framework, using vue, vuex, axios, vue-router, mavon-editor, markdown-it, element-ui, must-ui, jquery, d3js, echarts
Developed based on .NetCore3.1, using EntityFrameworkCore, SqlSugar, log4net, Minio, AutoMapper, Dapper, JinianNet.JNTemplate
Object storage (minio), persistent storage (mysql), cache (redis)