Front-end and back-end separation solution based on webman + vue3 + element-plus.
Create a new database webman-admin
and import the sql file address: db/webman-admin.sql
# 克隆项目
git clone [email protected]:Tinywan/webman-admin.git
# 进入目录
cd webman-admin
# 安装依赖
composer install
# 启动项目(开发模式)
php start.php start
After the startup is completed, the browser accesses
# 进入web目录
cd web
# 安装依赖
npm i
# 启动项目(开发模式)
npm run serve
After the startup is completed, the browser accesses
If you do not have a local PHP environment or the PHP extension is inconvenient to install, you can choose to use Docker
docker run --rm -it -p 8888:8888 -v d:/dnmp/www/webman-admin:/app tinywan/docker-php-webman
The above means mounting the project webman-admin
data volume to the container app
. Map host and container ports 8888:8888
at the same time
After running, it will look like this
Remove Alibaba Cloud image
composer config -g --unset repos.packagist
./webman make:curd api/manual
Generate controller and model
/** nacos server address*/ 'host' => '',
/** nacos server port*/ 'port' => 8848,
/** nacos authentication user name*/ 'username' => 'nacos',
/** nacos authentication user password*/ 'password' => 'nacos',
'config_listeners' => [ [ /** DataID / 'payment.php', / * groupName / 'DEFAULT_GROUP', / * namespaceId / '', / * filePath @desc The address where the configuration file is saved locally / config_path() . ' /nacos/payment.php', ], [ / * DataID / 'application-dev.yml', / * groupName / 'DEFAULT_GROUP', / * namespaceId / 'b34ea59f-e240-413b-ba3d-bb040981d773', / * filePath @desc The address where the configuration file is saved locally */ config_path() . '/nacos/application-dev.yml', ], ],