This item is used in the B2C mall mode and uses SpringBoot + SpringCloud + Vue for front and back -end separation
B/s architecture, uses front and back -end separation technology
All Java projects start all -click startup
The front -end project download depends on NPM Install
Start NPM Run Serve at the front desk
Import the SQL file in the SQL directory into the MySQL database
Front -end technology: Vue2 + Vuex + Vue -Router + Axios + Element -UI + Javascript + Layuiadmin
Back -end technology: SpringBoot + SpringBootadmin + MyBatisplus + MySQL + Redis + Swagger + Druid + Elasticsearch + Ra BBITMQ + OSS + OpenFegin + Gateway.
The overall architecture adopts the B2C mall mode
Use QQ mailbox to verify
Access to Alipay Sand Box Payment, complete the payment function
Use NACOS as a service registration center and configuration center
Use Gateway to process unified gateway processing and forward dynamic path repost
Use Openfegin for remote call service
Use Elasticsearch to search for full -text products to improve the retrieval speed
Picture upload to Alibaba Cloud OSS service
Use Rabbitmq to ensure the data synchronization of the MySQL database and the Elasticsearch search engine
Swagger generates interface document
Use Redis to integrate SpringCache for cache to improve access efficiency
Data display in ES
Use SpringBootadmin real -time monitoring microservices
E-commerce front desk homepage-wheel broadcast map
E-commerce front desk homepage-mobile phone
E-commerce front desk homepage-home appliances
E-commerce front desk homepage-accessories
All products of e -commerce front desk
Shopping cart
My order
User management
Classification management
Product management
Order management
QQ: 2740860037