Lina is the front-end UI project of JumpServer. It is mainly completed using Vue and Element UI. The name comes from the Dota hero Lina.
0. 前置条件: 部署运行好 JumpServer API 服务器
1. 安装依赖
$ yarn install
2. 修改 .env.development VUE_APP_CORE_HOST
# ...
3. 运行
$ yarn serve
4. 构建
$ yarn build:prod
Download the RELEASE file, put it in the appropriate directory, and modify the nginx configuration file as follows
server {
listen 80;
location /ui/ {
try_files $uri / /ui/index.html;
alias /opt/lina/;
location / {
rewrite ^/(.*)$ /ui/$1 last;
Be consistent with jumpserver