Recently, I learned Vue to see many learning materials on the Internet, and I found a project system practice. It mainly wanted to learn some knowledge points. The system combination was used again. It is also practical based on the content of the Fat Teacher's Blog on the Internet. It is very practical. I have a deeper understanding of the Vue framework and the improvement of their own ability.
Welcome to download, use or secondary development.
This project mainly realizes the functions of online users and the addition, deletion, deletion, and investigation of the dinner list products; then use the Mockplus tool to draw sketches, which is mainly easy to develop.
1. The development environment built with Vue-CLI2.x;
2. Use VUE-ROUTER for route conversion;
3. Use Element-UI to beautify the interface;
4. Use AXIOS to make cross -domain request interface data;
5. Use icofont online icon management;
6. Use webpack packaging management;
7. Use Vue2.0 syntax and ES6 syntax;
1. The premise is that there must be node.js, NPM, Vue-CLI environment (preferably git, it will be much more convenient);
2. Download items (git clone best);
3. Open the terminal and switch to the project name, and execute the following command line:
# install dependencies 安装开发环境的依赖,因为不是直接打包上传的项目
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080 运行项目基本没问题
npm run dev
Technical Fat Teacher's Vue Real War Video-Skin-Fast Food Shop System