Technology stack used: vue + vue-resource + vue-router + vuex (essential for spa) + element-ui + ES6 + webpack + npm
Test address (if it cannot be opened, try changing the DNS to
This project is built by drawing on vue scaffolding and three projects (learning from each other's strengths), and is constantly being improved. The purpose is to be closer to and suitable for everyone's project needs, and more suitable for secondary development. The following points have been rewritten:
Login and registration (including MD5 encryption)
Permission control, the menu is displayed and hidden based on the permission data returned from the user interface. If you tap the address bar by hand, it will jump to 404 (wrong address bar) or 401 (correct address bar but no permission), and permissions can be dynamically modified in the system settings.
Switch themes, fully support users to manually switch themes and remember themes
All data is simulated locally in json. Secondary developers only need to replace the json path with the actual interface path. Even novices can easily handle the backend management system.
All dynamically operated button click elements have already printed out relevant parameters on the console. During actual development, these parameters can be submitted to the back-end interface as needed.
A new student module has been added, using the local real API interface.
A new organization management module is added, using the mockjs interface and attaching the real developed js logic (including verification and submission interface, etc.). During actual development, just restore the real logic code.
**If you have any questions, you can submit them to issue or join the group for discussion.
If you think this project is helpful to you, remember to click Star on the upper right ^_^
# 克隆代码
git clone
# 安装依赖
npm install
# or 直接解压node_modules.7z到当前位置 (比较适合新手)。
# 本地开发 开启服务
npm run dev
# or 直接双击start.bat(比较适合新手)
Browser access http://localhost:2018
# 构建生产环境
npm run build:prod
# or 直接双击build.bat(比较适合新手)
# nginx环境下运行
# tomcat环境下运行
a.在index.html中引入<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
b.在使用图标的地方放置图标<i class="fa fa-home" aria-hidden="true"></i>
具体修复方法,参照Issues中的 #6问题
1.学生模块功能使用了本地api接口,若想正常运行,请下载另外一个node项目(,并且在本地启动该node 项目。
├── build // 构建相关
├── config // 配置相关
├── src // 源代码
│ ├── assets // 主题 字体等静态资源
│ ├── components // 全局公用组件。不直接显示
│ ├── global // 全局指令
│ ├── filtres // 全局filter
│ ├── router // 路由
│ ├── store // 全局store管理
│ ├── utils // 全局公用方法
│ ├── view // view视图层
│ ├── App.vue // 入口页面
│ └── main.js // 入口 加载组件 初始化等
├── static // 第三方不打包资源
│ ├── jquery
│ ├── Tinymce // 富文本
│ ├── dataJson // 模拟接口json
│ └── theme // 主题文件
├── .babelrc // babel-loader 配置
├── eslintrc.js // eslint 配置项
├── .gitignore // git 忽略项
├── favicon.ico // favicon图标
├── index.html // html模板
└── package.json // package.json
Currently, only user information, menu permissions, and app configuration-related status are stored globally using vuex, and other data are managed by each business component.
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