Visit the official website to get more mall systems (B2B2C, S2B2C, grass planting, auction, SAAS, cross-border independent station, etc.)
Join LaiKeTui and jointly create a unique e-commerce system ecosystem
QQ technical exchange group
In order to facilitate consultation and technical exchange, please join the Laiketui QQ technical exchange group to discuss the technical problems of the mall system QQ exchange group (before joining the group, please click "Star" in the upper right corner of the page)
Group 1: 874191574 Click to join
Group 2: 340645969 Click to join
Group Three: 615981686 Click to join
Group 5: 631252151 Click to join
software architecture
For installation tutorials, development documents, and operation manuals, please visit the official website.
JAVA open source mall Spring architecture
PHP open source mall ThinkPHP6.0 architecture
Quickly experience the full scene PC mall + IOS + Android + small programs on each terminal + H5
Some mall system functions
PS: The features we have and the features we may have in the future.
Screenshot of mini program
Backstage screenshot
Screenshot of the single store version of the Distribution Mini Program
Screenshot of the single store version of the department store mini program
Screenshot of fresh food e-commerce APP+H5+mini program version
Visit the official website to get more mall systems (S2B2C, grass planting, bidding, SAAS, cross-border, etc.)