Background management system template based on SpringBoot + Vue development
Like the description in the framework, I have always wanted to develop a background management system template that belongs to my own, but I did not have contact with the back -end separation system at first. The body that was abused by Spring Security was not finished after development after development. During the period, countless times I thought about using an excellent open source framework, but in such an impetuous mentality to learn, the end result was again by various excellent open source frameworks on the framework. Fricate on the ground ...
I was deeply aware that I should sink my heart to come and go down -to -earth. Finally, after a period of time, I solved the previous problems and successfully understood some excellent open source frameworks. The desire for developing a set of background management system templates in my heart became stronger. Finally developed a set of background management system templates.
After the development is completed, it is deeply aware that it is not enough to develop the corresponding basic functions. The treatment of various situations when the system encounters high concurrency and multiple users. first step. I will continue to optimize iteration in the follow -up, your sta is my motivation ❤️
Github address:
Gitee address:
Administrator account: Admin password: 123456
Test account: TEST password: 1234567
The front-end project is located in system-vue
The back-end project is located in system-springboot
files of SQL files are the root directory.
Front -end project:
├── public
├── api -- api请求接口目录
├── assets -- 静态资源
├── components -- 全局组件
├── constant -- 全局常量
├── filter -- 过滤器
├── icons -- svg图标
├── layout -- 布局目录
├── router -- 路由
├── store -- 全局缓存
├── styles -- scss样式目录
├── utils -- 工具目录
├── views -- 页面视图
├── App.vue -- App.vue
├── main.js -- main.js
└── permission.js -- 路由导航守卫
Back -end project
├── annotation -- 自定义注解
├── aspect -- aop切面
├── config -- 配置模块
├── constant -- 静态常量模块
├── controller -- 控制器模块
├── dto -- dto模块
├── entity -- 实体类模块
├── enums -- 枚举模块
├── filters -- 过滤器模块
├── generator -- 逆向工程模块
├── handler -- 处理器模块(自定义JWT权限过滤器)
├── mapper -- 数据持久化模块
├── service -- 业务处理模块
├── util -- 工具类模块
└── vo -- vo模块
After pulling the project to the local area, run the system-mysql8.sql
file directly in the database. The database will automatically create and import data. Then you need to modify the corresponding parameter information in the project configuration class. Then perform npm install
method in the front -end project to download the corresponding relying on the front -end project after the project can be successfully started.
After the project is successfully started, enter the administrator account number: admin password: 123456 to log in to enter the system
Local interface document address: http:// localhost: 8090/doc.html
Code generator runs: When using the Mybatis-Plus
code generator, you need to first modify the database connection parameters in the /src/main/java/com/zrkizzy/template/generator
and modify the database connection parameters and database user name passwords in the database user name password After that, you can run successfully
Note: Start the back -end project first, and then start the front -end project. Many data and configuration of the front -end project are dynamically loaded by the back -end
Front end: Vue + Vuex + Vue-Router + Axios + Element-UI + SASS + Vue-Cropper + Dayjs + NPROGRESS
Back end: SpringBoot + SpringSecurity + JWT + SWAGER2 + MyBatisplus + MySQL + Redis + FreeMarker + Fastjson + Kaptcha
Development tool | Functional role |
IDEA | Java development tool |
Navicat | Mysql connection tool |
Vscode | Vue development tool |
Medis | Redis connection tool |
Development environment | Version |
Jdk | 1.8 |
Mysql | 8.0.13 |
Vue | 2.6.11 |
Redis | 6.0.5 |
I have always remembered that my first complete development of the web project was a sophomore for the school's development and evaluation management system for the school. I still remember that the Layui official website was not offline at that time, and jquery still occupied a sky. For novices, the background management system template is relatively easy to get started. After integrating the MyBatis-Plus code generator, the development difficulty has been further decreased. It is suitable for beginners to learn and develop and reproduce. Construction. Please forgive me in the shortcomings of the project. If you have problems and good suggestions, you are welcome to talk about me privately. You are also welcome to join the group chat. We encourage each other, discuss, work together, and encourage everyone!