2020 Graduation Design, Online Questionnaire Website
Demo address (Demo): https://survey.yonatan.cn/
User account/password: demo/202005
Administrator account/password: admin/123456
Create a questionnaire: Create a blank or template questionnaire. The template comes from the questionnaires published by other users in the system.
Edit questionnaire: Provide common question type components and question banks, support drag-and-drop sorting, and view the questionnaire outline and questionnaire preview in real time (PC, Phone layout)
Distribute questionnaire: share the questionnaire via web link or QR code
Statistical Questionnaire: Statistics of the questionnaire’s recovery profile (recovery rate, average time), the source of the questionnaire (IP, province, equipment, sharing method) and the filling status of each question (statistical chart), support the selection of two items on the questionnaire Select topics for cross analysis
Data export: report download (JPG), questionnaire printing (PDF)
Development tools: IntelliJ IDEA 2019.3.1 x64 | Visual Studio Code 1.45.1 | Google Chrome 81.0.4044.138
$ docker-compose up -d
$ docker pull yont/onlinesurvey:v1.0.0
$ docker run -dt --name onlinesurvey --restart always
-p 39101:80
-e MYSQL_HOST= " "
-e MYSQL_USER= " root "
-e MYSQL_PASSWORD= " 123456 "
: mysql database host name/IPMYSQL_PORT
: mysql database port, the default is 3306MYSQL_USER
: mysql usernameMYSQL_PASSWORD
: mysql password Create a database named "surveydb" and import the surveydb.sql file.
Open the onlinesurvey project, modify the database connection information, and start the project. The default configuration is as follows:
# 配置文件: onlinesurvey/src/main/resources/application.properties
spring.datasource.url =jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/surveydb? serverTimezone =GMT%2B8
spring.datasource.username =root
spring.datasource.password =mysql
spring.datasource.driver-class-name =com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
Open the surveyui project, run npm install in the folder to build dependencies, and run npm run serve to start the project. The default request headers are as follows:
// 默认接口和域名: surveyui/src/request/http.js
axios . defaults . baseURL = "http://localhost:39000" ;
const domain = axios . defaults . domain = "http://localhost:8080"
The baseURL is configured as api. During development (dev mode), use vue.config.js -> devServer -> proxy as a proxy; during deployment, use nginx for forwarding.
domain is the domain name, used to generate the questionnaire preview address
Open the browser and visit http://localhost:8080
Administrator: admin/123456 Ordinary user: demo/202005