Infrapedia Open Source
Version 2.4.11
- Editor Search Places (Mapbox Geocoding) w/ Lat, Lng query searcher
- KMZ upload was erroring with the new Editor
- Clicking a place will create a marker as long the search is open
- Vertex deletion functionality shouldn't reset the scene
- Organization url needed to change in order to work with sitemap
- Organization metadata
- Cls create, update service(s) was not sending the owners array
- FreshDesk widget was sitting on top of everything
Version 2.2.9
- Searchbar fixings
- Dark mode styles weren't being applied
- Overflowing of ul list fixed
- Height should be adjusted automatically depending wether the api gave results for places or not
- MapApp page fixings
- Sometimes owners array is undefined so it can't be passed on to the metadata helper function
- The "focus-change" event is being triggered with focus being null, so that needed to be catch
- metadata.json file created for configuration
Version 2.2.8
- Editor performance issues with using mapbox Draw plugin has been solved.
- TODO: Editor improvements list.
- Dynamic import of user dashboard routes, with webpack 'named chunks'
- Changing between layouts has changed, we are now using vue-route 'children' property. It reduces the memory usage, and iddle time between route changes
Version 2.2.7
- Community Market Place "Make Offer" Button
- Legend Panel
- ClS Labels in Editor
- Homepage footer src logo url was incorrect
- CLS input in terrestrials create section
- Known Users in Subsea cables creation section
Version 2.2.6
- Community Market Place adjustments
- Homepage new layout
- Mobile Drawer links matching Homepage Navbar links
- Full screen search bar component style adjustments
Version 2.2.5
Version 2.1.4
- BuyDialog component points field is now using custom api and mapbox places api
- buyMessageFormatter helper function needed to be updated
- Doesn't make sense to have fiberPairs on the sidebar so we removed it
- Blog link on navbar doesn't have to open on a new tab
- Create section was not unlocking submit button
- BuyDialog Transit has new field, and Fiber option should be removed on Transit buy
- Fiber pairs needed to be displayed on subsea cables dashboard edit/create section
- Elements names need to accept /
Version 2.1.3
- buyMessageFormatter helper function for different types of buy request
Version 2.1.2
- Vuex has been removed from the Editor because it was slowing down the system when using it alongside the mapbox "Draw" plugin
Version 2.1.1
- Editor helper messages for the editing elements: IXP, CLS, Facilities, Subsea, Terrestrial Networks.
Version 1.0.0
- Alerts page and services
- Issues page(s) and services
Upload of KMZ for:
note: Zoom to bounds of both of them done too
- Dragger component for uploading files
New pages:
Form components for:
- cls
- cables
- networks
- organizations
- facilities
New pages on user route:
- cls
- cables
- networks
- organizations
Project setup
Compiles and hot-reloads for development
Compiles and minifies for production
Run your unit tests
Lints and fixes files
Customize configuration
See Configuration Reference