Based on electron, vue2, vuex, element-ui, electron-store.
fish-book is a tool for reading novels covertly, allowing you to fish and read novels after work. fish-book supports modifying the novel text size, color, background color, window transparency, etc., allowing you to customize the reading interface according to your personal preferences. The hidden reading function of this reader is very practical. You can read novels during working hours without being discovered by others. fish-book also supports a variety of reading settings to create the most comfortable reading interface and make your reading experience more enjoyable. If you are a part-time worker sitting in front of a computer, fish-book is definitely one of your must-have tools.
# 镜像源配置 (不进行下方配置,可能会出现依赖安装异常、编译异常等问题)
# 使用淘宝镜像源
yarn config set registry
# 设置 Electron 镜像源
yarn config set electron_mirror
# 设置 Electron Builder Binaries 镜像源
yarn config set electron_builder_binaries_mirror
# 环境
1. node 版本 16.19.0
2. electron 版本 25.0.1
# 克隆项目
git clone
# 进入项目目录
cd fish-book
# 安装依赖
# 启动服务
yarn run electron:dev
# 打包
yarn run electron:build
More fun and interesting fishing functions will be added in the future. By the way, if you like this software, remember to give it a star! (#^.^#)