是基于SpringBoot + Vue开发的AI聊天博客权限管理系统,前后端分离,后端采用了SpringBoot、MyBatis-plus、MySQL、Redis、WebSocket、OAuth2.0 等技术,前端采用Vue、element-ui 等。
source code:
Gitee | Github |
Front -end code: | Front code: https://github.com/onlyapi/tiny-duT- vue.git |
Back -end code: | Back-end code: https://github.com/onlyapi/tiny-dot- Service.git |
Tip: There is no reservation of the front and back code, all open source.
Homepage data statistics+ calendar (monitoring data folding line diagram data display+ calendar waiting to be added)
AI chat (has been connected to many domestic AI model suppliers, which can easily perform AI chat)
AI raw map (providing Wenshengtu interface (Baidu) and extended interfaces, so that everyone can easily expand and access multiple services)
System permissions management (I won't say much about this)
Blog management
Other functional management
OAUTH2.0 authorized login (QQ + GITEE + GITHUB)
The file is uploaded (you can choose to upload the local or MINIO service, and reserve the storage expansion interface, and modify the configuration in the YML file)
tool | Version number | download |
Jdk | 1.8 | https://www.orAcle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html |
Mysql | 5.7 | https://www.mysql.com/ |
Redis | 7.0 | https://redis.io/download |
nginx | 1.22 | http://nginx.org/en/download.html |
# 1.克隆完整项目
git clone https://github.com/OnlyAPI/tiny-spot-service.git
# 2.修改yml文件的MySQL和Redis配置
# 3.创建数据库(tiny_spot_origin),执行doc文件夹下的sql文件,导入所有表,如需要使用AI功能,则需要导入配置,见下方 `数据库AI配置规则`
# 4.找到`Application`类,启动项目
field configuration rules in the ts_ai_config
table: (Model constant can be configured on demand) Login page:
front page:
AI chat:
System management:
Blog management:
Function management:
Personal center: