is a learning project that uses Nuxt.js
to imitate Nuggets. It mainly uses: nuxt
+ koa
+ vuex
+ axios
+ element-ui
. All data of this project is synchronized with Nuggets, because the interfaces are forwarded through koa
as the middle layer (finding interfaces is really tiring?), interface routing is redefined, and some interface data are processed. The main data of the page is rendered on the server side through asyncData
. When writing projects, I will try my best to use the configuration and some technical points provided by Nuxt.js
(server-side rendering, interface forwarding, routing configuration, permission verification, etc.), hoping to learn more about the process of server-side rendering projects.
This project is my first time using Nuxt.js
, so some process details may not be good enough. If you want to learn, the suggestions are just for reference, I hope not to mislead you.
After the Nuggets restructured and updated in August 2020, the old version of the interface has been closed. The master branch is an old version, and I have placed the new version under the apinew branch. If you need to view it, please clone the apinew branch. (User-related status and operations are temporarily invalid, such as user messages, login, likes, etc.)
- 登录/登出
- 权限验证
- 登录状态验证
- 交互验证
- 首页
- 文章筛选(分类、热门、最新、热榜)
- 文章触底分页
- 作者榜模块
- 推荐小册模块
- 文章详情
- 正文
- 目录跳转
- 文章评论
- 文章分享
- 相关推荐
- 关于作者模块
- 相关文章模块
- 作者页
- 作者信息
- 文章筛选(热门、最新)
- 文章触底分页
- 个人成就模块
- 头像彩蛋?
- 搜索
- 类型筛选(综合、文章、标签、用户)
- 时间筛选(全部、一天内、一周内、三月内)
- 沸点
- 沸点筛选(推荐、热门、关注、分类)
- 沸点触底分页
- 沸点评论
- 沸点分享
- 大图预览
- 推荐沸点模块
- 关注的话题模块
- 话题
- 关注的话题、全部话题
- 文章筛选(热门、最新)
- 文章触底分页
- 话题详情模块
- 参与者模块
- 标签
- 标签详情
- 文章筛选(热门、最新、最热)
- 文章触底分页
- 标签管理
- 已关注标签、全部标签
- 消息
- 用户消息
- 小册
- 小册筛选(分类)
- i18n国际化
- 错误页
- 404
- 交互相关
- 点赞(文章、沸点)
- 关注(作者、标签)
?Using the fishing time to update...
In order to quickly understand the project, the project file structure is described here.
├─assets // 存放静态资源(如:scss)
├─layouts // 页面主要布局、自定义错误页面
├─components // 页面组件
│ ├─business // 业务组件
│ ├─common // 公用组件
├─middleware // 应用中间件(如:权限验证)
├─mixins // 公用逻辑抽离(如:触底事件)
├─pages // 页面视图
├─plugins // 插件(如:axios、api)
├─server // 服务端
│ ├─middleware // 服务端使用的中间件
│ ├─request // 请求方法封装
│ ├─routes // 接口转发
├─store // vuex
├─utils // 工具方法
│nuxt.config.js // Nuxt.js应用配置
# 克隆项目
git clone -b apinew
# 进入项目目录
cd nuxt-juejin-project
# 安装依赖
npm install
# 服务启动
npm run dev
Visit http://localhost:8000