Build a SPA or SSR web application with phalcon, vue.js(nuxt.js) and centrifugo.
Not for production!
Boilerplate for developing web applications
Used technologies
- Phalcon micro application
- Vue.js frontend javascript framework
- Paseto for authentication
- Centrifugo for real-time messaging
- Easy-to-use PDO wrapper for PHP projects
- Phinx for migrations
- Robo task runner
- Element-UI Vue 2.0 based component library
- Vue 2.0 minimal admin template
- Docker
How to install with Docker
- Install docker & docker-compose
- Clone this repository
- Download robo.phar(, composer.phar( in "phalcon/" folder
- Copy all .env.example files(folders "./", "phalcon/") to .env
- Fill .env files with appropriate information
- Centrifugo to work correctly, you need to fill in the address and port in "./docker/nginx/sites/centrifugo.conf line 5"
- In docker command line type "docker-compose up -d --build"
- Go in php container with command "docker exec -it php_ /bin/bash"
- Run "composer install". After installation type command "php vendor/bin/phinx migrate" to create migrateions
- Then type "php vendor/bin/phinx seed:run" to seed tables in database
- Create paseto auth key with command "php robo.phar paseto", and "exit" from php_ container.
- Go to directory ./vue and install npm packages with "npm install".
- After installation type "npm run dev". Browser starts automatically with working application.