Blue Innovation Evangelist
Experience address
Teacher account: 15886345118 Teacher password: 123456
Student account number: 18229962587 Student password: 123456)
norms, constraints
Naming and directory specifications
- Variables, functions, etc. follow the regular camel case naming rules
- Folders, files, routes, custom components, etc. are all lowercase, and words are separated by horizontal bars.
- Custom components: multiple components of the same category are placed in a separate folder. Common components that have nothing to do with the business start with cb- to facilitate reuse in other projects.
- Files that are no longer used should be deleted immediately. If you really need to keep them in the project for code comparison, you need to append "-outdated files" after the file name to facilitate subsequent removal.
Code comment specifications
- Write a documentation comment at the top of each vue file: describe in detail what function the vue page is used for
- The business logic code should be written with as many comments as possible, including where it starts and where it ends, and what logical processing is done.
- When introducing other components or styles into any page, use an absolute path starting with @/ and prohibit the use of references starting with ../
development specifications
- When installing and referencing third-party components, be sure to append -save or --save-dev after the installation command and add dependencies to the package.json configuration file to facilitate team collaboration and development. For example: npm install echarts -save. When modifying the component version number, you must also remember to modify the corresponding component version number in package.json.
- If the referenced third-party component is only used by one or two pages, do not register the global component in main.js and introduce it separately in the used pages.
Build Setup
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report
How to start a project
- You need to start the background service on your computer
- Front-end developers use this