node blog
Practice project, personal blog system written in Node.js, backend Koa2 + mongodb, blog backend management page Vue + element, use marked + highlight.js to implement markdown editing display and code highlighting, use vue-core-image-upload + gm realizes the interception and uploading of pictures.
Live Demo
If you want to deploy on your own machine, you need to install the following software
# 安装 imagemagick,下面是 ubuntu 的安装命令,不通版本的服务器自行查找安装方式
sudp apt-get update && sudo apt-get install imagemagick
git clone
cd node-blog
npm i --production # 前端静态已经编译好上传了,这里只需要安装后台相关的包
cp config/sample.js config/index.js
vi config/index.js # 修改对应配置项
pm2 start app.js -i max
# 推荐用最新版 nginx 代理,开启 http2,再配合 letsencrypt 开启 https
For your first visit, please enter the backend management portal to initialize the site.
If the blog function is insufficient or the theme is not suitable, you are welcome to fork the project and modify it yourself, and give it a star by the way.
npm start # 起 server
npm run dev # 编译前端静态
npm run build # 打包前端静态