admin-solution is a permission management system template.
|前端权限控制 --> 动态从后端请求路由
权限控制 --> |
|后端权限控制 --> 进行接口调用访问控制
vue-element-admin defaults to reading the token in the body
login ( { commit } , userInfo ) {
const { username , password } = userInfo
return new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
login ( { username : username . trim ( ) , password : password } ) . then ( response => {
const { data } = response
commit ( 'SET_TOKEN' , data . token )
setToken ( data . token )
resolve ( )
} ) . catch ( error => {
reject ( error )
} )
} )
Then use the token to verify permissions with the backend
service . interceptors . request . use (
config => {
// do something before request is sent
return config
} ,
error => {
// do something with request error
console . log ( error ) // for debug
return Promise . reject ( error )
Now modify it to: the backend directly stores the token in the cookie header and sets it to httponly
@ Configuration
public class ShiroConfig {
// ... 其他设置
public SimpleCookie buildCookie () {
SimpleCookie simpleCookie = new SimpleCookie ( TOKEN_NAME );
simpleCookie . setPath ( "/" );
// 对服务器生成的TOKEN设置 HttpOnly 属性. 前端无法读写该TOKEN, 提供系统安全, 防止XSS攻击
simpleCookie . setHttpOnly ( true );
// 设置浏览器关闭时失效此Cookie
simpleCookie . setMaxAge (- 1 );
return simpleCookie ;
The front end still needs to perform token verification in some scenarios, and the token in the cookie cannot be obtained, so a token is also returned in the response message body of the login interface, indicating that the login is successful. This token is only performed by the front end. Used, it does not participate in the back-end verification work.
The front-end routes are stored in the back-end database. When the user logs in, the route json is requested from the back-end, and then the front-end adds it dynamically.
const actions = {
generateRoutes ( { commit } , roles ) {
return new Promise ( resolve => {
getUserFrontendPermissions ( ) . then ( response => {
let routeNodes = response . data . routeNodes
importComponent ( routeNodes )
commit ( 'SET_ROUTES' , routeNodes )
resolve ( routeNodes )
} )
} )
function importComponent ( routeNodes ) {
for ( var rn of routeNodes ) {
if ( rn . component == "Layout" ) {
rn . component = Layout
} else {
let componentPath = rn . component
rn . component = ( ) => import ( `@/views/ ${ componentPath } ` )
if ( rn . children && rn . children . length > 0 ) {
importComponent ( rn . children )
The main function is importComponent(routeNodes)
, which imports components recursively.
It should be noted here that when webpack compiles es6 and dynamically introduces import(), you cannot pass in variables, but when you must use variables, you can provide part of the information to webpack through a string template; for example, import(
), so that all modules under ./path will be compiled during compilation. Please refer to the import() syntax in vue. Why can’t variables be passed in?
The backend uses shiro for permission verification. This is a very interesting framework. The structure of the code is clear and simple?
@ Configuration
public class ShiroConfig {
* 设置接口权限验证, 目前只针对api接口进行权限验证
* @param securityManager
* @return
@ Bean ( name = "shiroFilter" )
public ShiroFilterFactoryBean shiroFilter ( SecurityManager securityManager ) {
LOGGER . info ( "start shiroFilter setting" );
ShiroFilterFactoryBean shiroFilterFactoryBean = new ShiroFilterFactoryBean ();
shiroFilterFactoryBean . setSecurityManager ( securityManager );
shiroFilterFactoryBean . setLoginUrl ( "/" );
shiroFilterFactoryBean . setSuccessUrl ( "/#/dashboard" );
shiroFilterFactoryBean . setUnauthorizedUrl ( "/403" );
Map < String , String > filterChainDefinitionMap = new LinkedHashMap <>();
Map < String , Filter > filtersMap = new LinkedHashMap <>();
filtersMap . put ( "apiAccessControlFilter" , new ApiAccessControlFilter ());
shiroFilterFactoryBean . setFilters ( filtersMap );
filterChainDefinitionMap . put ( "/static/**" , "anon" );
filterChainDefinitionMap . put ( "/#/login/**" , "anon" );
filterChainDefinitionMap . put ( "/api/user/auth/login" , "anon" );
filterChainDefinitionMap . put ( "/logout" , "logout" );
filterChainDefinitionMap . put ( "/api/**" , "apiAccessControlFilter" );
filterChainDefinitionMap . put ( "/**" , "logFilter" );
filterChainDefinitionMap . put ( "/**" , "authc" );
shiroFilterFactoryBean . setFilterChainDefinitionMap ( filterChainDefinitionMap );
LOGGER . info ( "shirFilter config fineshed" );
return shiroFilterFactoryBean ;
Currently, only the permission verification settings are set for the /api/**
public class ApiAccessControlFilter extends AccessControlFilter {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory . getSystemLogger ( ApiAccessControlFilter . class );
@ Override
protected boolean isAccessAllowed ( ServletRequest request , ServletResponse response , Object mappedValue ) throws Exception {
// 开发环境中, 如果是OPTIONS预检请求则直接返回true TODO 这里想办法做的更加优雅些, 目前就是个补丁
if (! SpringUtil . isInProduction ()
&& request instanceof HttpServletRequest
&& "OPTIONS" . equals ((( HttpServletRequest ) request ). getMethod ())) {
return true ;
HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest = ( HttpServletRequest ) request ;
Subject subject = SecurityUtils . getSubject ();
boolean isAuthenticated = subject . isAuthenticated ();
boolean isPermitted = subject . isPermitted ( httpServletRequest . getRequestURI ());
LOGGER . info ( "鉴权完成, isPermitted:{}, isAuthenticated:{}" , isPermitted , isAuthenticated );
return isPermitted && isAuthenticated ;
private void trySetUserLog () {
LoggerLocalCache . INSTANCE . setUser ( UserUtil . getCurrentUserName ());
@ Override
protected boolean onAccessDenied ( ServletRequest request , ServletResponse servletResponse ) throws Exception {
LOGGER . info ( "访问被拒绝" );
Response response = ResponseCode . AUTH_FAIL . build ();
String result = JSON . toJSONString ( response );
servletResponse . getOutputStream (). write ( result . getBytes ( "UTF8" ));
servletResponse . flushBuffer ();
return false ;
The front-end development process will involve cross-domain issues, so the front-end and back-end need to be modified together.
front end
if ( process . env . NODE_ENV === 'development' ) {
service . defaults . baseURL = 'http://localhost:9900/'
service . defaults . withCredentials = true
rear end
@ Configuration
public class ShiroConfig {
@ Bean
public CorsFilter corsFilter () {
// CORS配置信息
CorsConfiguration config = new CorsConfiguration ();
if (! SpringUtil . isInProduction ( applicationContext )) {
LOGGER . info ( "进行非生产模式CORS配置" );
config . addAllowedOrigin ( "*" );
config . setAllowCredentials ( true );
config . addAllowedMethod ( "*" );
config . addAllowedHeader ( "*" );
config . addExposedHeader ( "Set-Cookie" );
UrlBasedCorsConfigurationSource configSource = new UrlBasedCorsConfigurationSource ();
configSource . registerCorsConfiguration ( "/**" , config );
return new CorsFilter ( configSource );
This setting is no problem in the get request, but in the post request, the request will be pre-checked and the OPTIONS request will be sent first, so the relevant settings are made in ApiAccessControlFilter
if (! SpringUtil . isInProduction ()
&& request instanceof HttpServletRequest
&& "OPTIONS" . equals ((( HttpServletRequest ) request ). getMethod ())) {
return true ;
This is not a good solution. It is just a patch for now. I will think of a better solution later.
table stores user login informationRole
table stores rolesUserRoleRelation
table stores user role relationshipsBackendPermission
table stores backend permissions (all paths will be automatically saved in this table when the server starts)RoleBackendPermissionRelation
table stores the backend permissions owned by the role.FrontendPermission
table stores frontend routing information.RoleFrontendPermissionRelation
table stores the front-end routing information owned by the role. In order to more easily troubleshoot problems during the development process, each request message and response message are printed in HttpTraceLogFilter
(you can choose to turn it off in the production environment)
2020-04-02 11:37:51.963 [http-nio-9900-exec-2] INFO c.w.a.config.HttpTraceLogFilter(162) - [admin, /api/user/authority/getUserFrontendPermissions] Http 请求日志: HttpTraceLog{
host: localhost:9900
connection: keep-alive
accept: application/json, text/plain, */*
sec-fetch-dest: empty
user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.149 Safari/537.36
dnt: 1
sec-fetch-site: same-origin
sec-fetch-mode: cors
referer: http://localhost:9900/
accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, br
accept-language: zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en;q=0.8
cookie: TTOKEN=0bbfbdca-40e5-4ee3-b19e-37d9b114cb47; frontend-token=undefined',
Vary: Origin
Vary: Origin
Vary: Origin',