go to cloud frontend
Go-To-Cloud , referred to as GTC
, is a cloud tool that quickly builds and publishes code to K8S. You don’t need to learn professional k8s and container image knowledge to get started easily. The deployment of tools is also extremely simple. Most CI/CD tools do not rely on third-party tools ( jenkins
, ArgoCD
, etc.), and only MySQL is required. , mirror warehouse, and specify the K8S machine used for construction and deployment, you can build your own CI/CD service platform.
Go-To-Cloud is growing on the run and is eager to hear your voices .
the project image to the target k8s environment伸缩
instances, view容器日志
, and execute Shell
commands inside the container.组织
, and users in the same组织
can view and manage项目
they belong to.RBAC
model, see the introduction Use documentation
NodeJS recommends using nvm management,
platform: nvm-windows
The backend service is located in another repository: backend repository
server: {
port: 18090,
proxy: {
'/api': {
target: '',
changeOrigin: true,
rewrite: path => path.replace(/^/api/, '')
hmr: {
overlay: false
host: ''
}, ...
configuration base_url: {
// 开发环境接口前缀
base: '/api',
// 打包开发环境接口前缀
dev: '',
// 打包生产环境接口前缀
pro: '',
// 打包测试环境接口前缀
test: ''
npm run dev
E-Mail: [email protected]