This is a drop-down attribute based on element UI 2.6, which supports single selection and multiple selection.
Copy the vue file in the src directory to your own project directory, and then import it where needed to use it.
Type: Boolean
Default value: false
Set whether the drop-down tree is a single-select tree or a multiple-select tree
Type: [String, Array]
Mainly used to display the data name when the drop-down tree has not loaded the selected data.
Type: [String, Array]
submitted value
Type: String
No value is displayed placeholder content
Type: Boolean
Setting drop-down tree is not available
Type: Object
The configuration items using tree are almost the same as the tree options in element ui.
Main configuration items:
data: null,
lazy: false,
load: null,
props: {
children: '',
label: '',
disabled: '',
isLeaf: ''
key: '',// 配置树上使用的key
showCheckbox: false,
checkStrictly: false,
defaultExpandedKeys: []