Here is how to install SiteFab, Create a new site and compile it in less than 30 seconds:
# install the main package
pip install sitefab
spacy download en_core_web_sm
pip install -U spacy-lookups-data
# clone the site template as base
git clone mysite/
# clone the plugins in your site directory
git clone mysite/plugins
# generate your shiny new site
sitefab -c mysite/config/sitefab.yaml generate
Et voila! you know have a fully fonctional site that can be statically compiled. As the next step you should add your content, customize the html templates and tweak the plugins configuration to your liking!
Here are some of the key highlevel functionalities that makes SiteFab the static generator of choice for modern websites:
element, webp versions for the browsers who support it, frozen thumbnail for the loading and cropped thumbnails for previews.Beside its technical features what separates SiteFab from other site generators is its guiding principles:
Configuration over convention: Every behavior is explictly specified. There are no special files or directories. SiteFab only do what the site configuration say. Nothing more, nothing less.
Content Agnostic: There is only one type of content called post. SiteFab makes no assumption about the content stored in the .md files. Its job is to apply the configuration specified in the frontmatter to render the specificied files and ensure that the enabled plugins are properly executed.
Atomicity: Each piece of content is self contained by having its own configuration in its frontmatter including which template to use. This allows to accomodate both complex sites with per page configuration and very simple ones that reuse the same template again and again.
Orthogonality: Site configuration, plugins and plugins configuration are independent of the core engine so you can use as many configurations and tweaked plugins you want. Additionally you can check those alongside with your site content to have reproducible build, safe rollbacks and concurrent version of the build pipeline (e.g alpha versus stable).
Here are some popular alternatives if SiteFab is not what you are looking for:
Jekyll: The most popular site generate, written in
Hugo: A popular site generator, written in Go
focuses on speed.
Pelican: Another site generator written
in Python