An Org mode parser and static site generator in go.
Take a look at github pages
- for org to html conversion examples
- for a static site generated by blorg
- to try it out live in your browser
Please note
- the goal for the html export is to produce sensible html output, not to exactly reproduce the output of
- the goal for the parser is to support a reasonable subset of Org mode. Org mode is huge and I like to follow the 80/20 rule.
command line
$ go-org
Usage: go-org COMMAND [ARGS]...
- render [FILE] FORMAT
FORMAT: org, html, html-chroma
Instead of specifying a file, org mode content can also be passed on stdin
- blorg
- blorg init
- blorg build
- blorg serve
as a library
see main.go and hugo org/convert.go
make setup
- change things
make preview
(regenerates fixtures & shows output in a browser)
in general, have a look at the Makefile - it’s short enough.
- test files
- ox-hugo all-posts.org
- https://ox-hugo.scripter.co/doc/examples/
- https://orgmode.org/manual/
- https://orgmode.org/worg/dev/org-syntax.html
- https://code.orgmode.org/bzg/org-mode/src/master/lisp/org.el
- https://code.orgmode.org/bzg/org-mode/src/master/lisp/org-element.el
- mostly those & ox-html.el, but yeah, all of https://code.orgmode.org/bzg/org-mode/src/master/lisp/
- existing Org mode implementations: org, org-ruby, goorgeous, pandoc