This is my personal website, which is powered by Lume and Markdown.
It also has some live, progressive enhancement elements powered by gunslinger.
Of particular interest is the live player on the homepage which surfaces metadata when I'm watching the following types of media:
To get started, you'll want to install Deno using one of the variety of officially supported installation methods.
Once you've got all of that set up, running deno task serve
should do everything required to start up a local server.
You should be able to access the development version of the site at http://localhost:1313
Builds are executed using Github Actions with the resulting static output being deployed to Bunny Storage.
From there, my site is replicated using Bunny CDN.
I've used hosted services like Netlify and Cloudflare Pages in the past but I found that, surprisingly, their CDNs are not necessarily the fastest plus when you're not paying, you have no leverage during any inevitable outages.
Pushes to main
will update automatically although depending on what changes, I sometimes manually trigger a cache purge.