JMMASW is a simple tool for a simple problem: Static Websites.
JMMASW accepts the following commandline parameters:
- Location of the data filedir
- Project location, default is current directorystatic-out
- Output directory, default is ./jasw-out
(For "Just a static Website Out")ignore-no-data
- Defaults to true. If set to false then a missing data file results in termination of the programJMMASW is built using Go1.8, so you should at minimum install Go1.8 for this to work but older versions might work too (but no promises)
To install simply run the following commands:
go get
go install
For Information on the Template format, refer to the godoc entries on html/template
and text/template
Templates are defined by their filename but if you manually defined templates this does not apply.
Only templates with a name that ends in ".html" will be rendered, ".tmpl" files will only be parsed and are intended for common functionality.
accepts a single string as parameter and attempts to read the specified file form the file systemjson
parses a given string into json format, the top-level structure must be a map, simple arrays are not permittedmarkdown
renders a given string into HTML using Markdown Processors without any sanitization (don't use on user inputs!)dict
accepts any number of key-value pairs with a string-typed key and returns the result. This allows to combine several variables into a single pipelineIf you're wondering why this tool exists: I made it so I can generate my website for multiple languages without having to copy-paste half the website all the time.
I considered Hugo, which is an excellent static page generator but it is also way too complicated for this application. JMMASW works with "raw" HTML templates and makes no assumption about your website.
You can take your website as it is now and provided it doesn't contain invalid go-template code, it will come out the other end of JMMASW without a change.