Apache Pulsar manager is a web-based GUI management tool for managing and monitoring Pulsar.
A Pulsar Manager is capable of managing multiple Pulsar clusters. A Pulsar instance or a group
of Pulsar clusters is defined as an Environment
in Pulsar Manager. You can create as many environments
as you can. The following diagram illustrates the overall architecture of a Pulsar Manager.
You should configure casdoor's Configuration in the Line 154 of pulsar-manager/src/main/resources/application.properties
casdoor.clientId=<client id in previous step>
casdoor.clientSecret=<client Secret in previous step>
casdoor.certificate=<client certificate in previous step>
You also need configure casdoor's Configuration in the Line 50 of pulsar-manager/front-end/src/main.js
const config = {
serverUrl: "http://localhost:7001",
clientId: "6ba06c1e1a30929fdda7",
organizationName: "pulsar",
appName: "app-plusar",
redirectPath: "/#callback",
Now you can use Casdoor.
Pulsar Manager bundles JDBC Drivers for HerdDB. The default configuration starts and embedded in-memory only HerdDB database.
HerdDB can be used in production, you just have to use the correct JDBC URL. Follow the instructions in application.properties to switch the connection to a standalone HerdDB service or cluster.
The JDBC URL will look like this: jdbc:herddb:server:localhost:7000
In cluster mode HerdDB uses Apache BookKeeper and Apache ZooKeeper to store data and metadata, you can share your ZooKeeper cluster and the Bookies bundled with Pulsar.
The JDBC URL will look like this: jdbc:herddb:zookeeper:localhost:2181/herddb
In order to start and setup an HerdDB database follow the instructions on the HerdDB documentation.