The main objective of the Canteen Management System is to manage the details of Canteen, Sales, Orders, Items, Products. It manages all the information about Canteen, Food, Products, Canteen. The project is totally built at administrative end and thus only the administrator is guaranteed the access. The purpose of the project is to build an application program to reduce the manual work for managing the Canteen, Sales, Food, Orders. It tracks all the details about the Orders, Items, Products.
Installtion and execution procedure
1 : Install xampp and update google chrome download latest chrome from here.
2 : After installing xampp (Default directory : c:/xampp/) , download the project and paste it in directory : (c:/xampp/htdocs/).
3 : Set your xampp username to root and no password. Instructions to change username and password
4 : Start wampServer64 from the desktop icon and open google chrome and type the following url without quotes: "http://localhost/phpmyadmin/" and enter root as username and press Go.
5 : Now first you have to Load the database in your local server and then you can run the project.