Fast in-process flat file database for Node.js that supports JSON and caches all data in memory. All data is persisted to an open file using a append-only algorithm ensuring compact file sizes and strong consistency.
npm install flat-file-db
Pass a database file to use to the flat-file-db constructor and wait for the database to open. When it is open all data has been loaded into memory.
var flatfile = require('flat-file-db');
var db = flatfile('/tmp/my.db');
db.on('open', function() {
db.put('hello', {world:1}); // store some data
console.log(db.get('hello')) // prints {world:1}
db.put('hey', {world:2}, function() {
// 'hey' is now fully persisted
If you don't want to wait for it to open use flatfile.sync
var db = flatfile.sync('/tmp/my.db');
console.log(db.get('hello')); // prints {world:1}
If you issue multiple writes the last one will always win
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
db.put('test', {count:i}, ...);
console.log(db.get('test')); // {count:9} which also the persisted value of 'test'
db = flatfile(path, opts)
Create a new db instance. Per default fsync is called on all puts. To disable this set opts.fsync = false
db = flatfile.sync(path, opts)
Same as above except you do not need to wait for the open event
db.put(key, val, [cb])
Insert or update new key
db.del(key, [cb])
Delete a key
db.get(key) -> doc
Get the value of a key
db.has(key) -> bool
True if db has key
db.keys() -> list
Get all keys as an array
Clears the database of all values
Close the database
Fired when the db is open and ready for use.
Fired when the db is fully closed
All puts and deletes are flushed to disk