A Star Wars themed JavaScript Tic-Tac-Toe game where the user can choose to play either a 2-player game with another person present or a 1-player game against the computer.
Inspired by the Tic Tac Toe assignment as part of the curriculum for the JavaScript course on The Odin Project as well as the Build a Tic Tac Toe Game challenge as part of the curriculum for the Coding Interview Prep on freeCodeCamp.
View project demo at https://autumnchris.github.io/tic-tac-toe-game.
After forking and cloning, navigate to the repository in your command line and install the NPM packages:
npm install
Run the following script in your command line to run the application:
npm start
Once the server is running, go to http://localhost:8080
in your browser.
Before committing any changes, run the following script to update your static files for production:
npm run build