Implementer Interface
File naming conventions
- All components should be in Pascal Case (camel case starting with uppercase letter)
- Other files including styles should be in Camel Case starting with lowercase letter
- Test files should have the same name as the file followed by .spec.js
Setup Steps
- Install nvm
- Install node-v12:
nvm install 12
- Switch to node 12 :
nvm use 12
- Install dependencies,
yarn install
- Build implementer-interface -
yarn run build
- Build on every change -
yarn build --watch
Setup using Bahmni on Vagrant:
- Ensure that Bahmni is running in the vagrant box and is accessible on ip
- Start the webserver using
yarn start
. You can configure the same in intellij as well
- Update the
file in vagrant box. Add these under the AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/javascript
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "http://localhost:8080"
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Methods "*"
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Credentials "true"
- Restart the httpd service
service httpd restart
- Access server at http://localhost:8080
Setup using Bahmni on Docker:
In order to setup developement environment for implementer-interface by running Bahmni on Docker, run the build in watch mode and follow the instructions mentioned here