A first pass Conversation Skill using Misty's Key Phrase Recognition (wake word), Azure Speech To Text (STT) and Azure Text To Speech (TTS)
Misty II - Conversation Skill (V2) https://youtu.be/-DtE3KhRmNQ
Misty II - Conversation Skill (V2) w/Console https://youtu.be/HJD_yYEE2v8
Notes about using LUIS NLU https://medium.com/@andrew.rapo/robokit-setting-up-azure-cognitive-services-bing-speech-luis-nlu-fbb39f5dc957
The Azure services are implemented as a Function Apps
Conversation Skill V2 calls the AudioToIntent function app using Misty's misty.SendExternalRequest() On-robot api call. The function app makes a call to LUIS NLU and then returns an intent as a string.
Then Conversation Skill V2 calls the TextToSpeech function app and plays the audio that is returned.
Conversation Skill V2 uses misty.StartKeyPhraseRecognition() to listen for the "Hey Misty" key phrase (i.e. wake-up word)
With Conversation V2 Skill running:
say "Hey, Misty"
Misty will set her LED to BLUE to indicate that she is listening
say "do you know any jokes?"
Misty will say: "Where does the general keep his armies? ,, In his sleevies."
say "Hey, Misty"
Misty will set her LED to BLUE to indicate that she is listening
say "what time is it?"
Misty will say: "The time is current-time."
This folder contains the code for an Azure Fucnction App that processes audio from Misty and returns an intent. The function manages:
try {
const accessToken = await getAccessToken();
const utterance = await speechToText(accessToken, audioBase64, context);
await textToIntent(accessToken, utterance, context);
} catch (err) {
context.log(`Something went wrong: ${err}`);
Note: Each function requires data from its config.json
"Microsoft": {
"AzureSpeechSubscriptionKey": "<YOUR-BING-SUBSCRIPTION-KEY>",
"nluLUIS_endpoint": "https://westus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/luis/v2.0/apps/",
"nluLUIS_appId": "<YOUR-LUIS-APP-ID>",
"nluLUIS_subscriptionKey": "<YOUR-LUIS-SUBSCRIPTION-KEY>"
The tools foldler contains node/javascript tools for testing the calls to azure:
Note: Each of these tools requires data from config.json
"Microsoft": {
"AudioToTTSFunctionURL": "",
"AudioToIntentFunctionURL": "",
"TextToTTSFunctionURL": ""