Messenger Pics Downloader is a python3 application created with requests and selenium to download all images from specific conversation on messenger.
git clone
Go to chromedriver and download chromedriver into messenger-pics-downloader.
To start application:
python3 messenger-pics-downloader
Great, now You should have running application!
Go to config.json and fill in credentials:
"credentials": {
"username": "[email protected]",
"password": "password1234",
"folder_name": "ImagesFolder",
"messenger_path": "
Go to config.json and look at settings:
pictures if You want to stop now and download what You have or continue. To disable leave at 0example:
"settings": {
"check_stop_every_pic": 50,
"start_scrapping_at_pic": 200,
Above example will skip to 200th picture and ask You if You want to stop or continue every 50.
After starting You will have option to use either config.json
or add data manually. For manual You will have to write input in console. I suggest using config.json
for better experience.
When program will start You can basically leave the desk, but terminal must be kept open. If something unexpected happens You can find more about it in Error Handling section below.
As it is selenium errors might happen due to slower internet or anything that might happen unexpectly on facebook. More details You will find in webdriver_error.txt
Before posting any Problems here please try to run a few times to make sure it wasn't just accident.
This project was made to learn more about python and I don't have big plans for it, but if You find a good feature to add or You make it Yourself I will be more then happy to check it out!