Original creator https://github.com/z175
Updated and improved by https://github.com/TheCruZ
Mdl allocation writed by https://github.com/TygoL
Independent Pages allocation written by https://github.com/Herooyyy/
Tested from Windows 10 1607 to Windows 11 26100.1882 ✔️
Update mainly done for UnknownCheats Forum https://www.unknowncheats.me/forum/members/1117395.html
KDMapper is a simple tool that exploits iqvw64e.sys Intel driver to manually map non-signed drivers in memory
Note: Add definition DISABLE_OUTPUT to remove all console outputs
Note: Can be recommended like in the past set a custom entry point like in the HelloWorld example to reduce the generated code in the binary
Works with /GS- compiled drivers
Hooks NtAddAtom which exists everywhere and is rarely called
Clears MmUnloadedDrivers
Clears PiDDBCacheTable
Clears g_KernelHashBucketList
Clears Wdfilter RuntimeDriverList RuntimeDriverCount and RuntimeDriverArry
Use NtLoadDriver and NtUnloadDriver for less traces
Prevent load if DeviceNal exists (Prevents BSOD)
Header section skipped while copying driver to kernel
Added param --free to automatically unmap the allocated memory
Added param --mdl to map in mdl memory
Added param --indPages to map in allocated independent pages
Added param --PassAllocationPtr to pass allocation ptr as first param
Added the possibility to modify params before call driver entry
Now you can pass directly bytes to mapdriver function
Return from driver entry fastest as you can to prevent unexpected calls or patch guard, don't ever create a infinite while loop in the driver entry, create a thread or any other procedure to keep code running (if you can't close kdmapper you are doing it wrong)
Disable vulnerable driver list if enabled https://support.microsoft.com/en-au/topic/kb5020779-the-vulnerable-driver-blocklist-after-the-october-2022-preview-release-3fcbe13a-6013-4118-b584-fcfbc6a09936
Just as reminder, in driver entry, DriverObject and RegistryPath are NULL unless you specify anything! this is a manual mapped driver and not a normal loading procedure
A lot of people ask me about this errors loading the vulnerable driver, both are caused by FACEIT AC since his driver is always running you have to uninstall it
The certificate has been blocked as vulnerable and the mapper will return a status of STATUS_IMAGE_CERT_REVOKED. More info at Microsoft
If you want to disable your vulnerable driver list you have to open regedit.exe, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlCIConfig and set 'VulnerableDriverBlocklistEnable' as dword with value 0 and restart to apply the changes
Have Fun!!
if anyone interested in create a pull request
Self cleaning of self execution ?
Messages for common loading errors?